Khalil Clark Marking Period 1

When starting this project I didn't have any clue of what recycled material I would use to make a project. Every time my parents go shopping they bring back plasti bags and put them under the sink and don't use them. Since I knew that I liked messenger bags because I get frustrated carrying backpacks, I decided I would use plastic bags to make a messenger bag.

After coming up with an idea I researched different ways you can make a messenger bag out of plastic bags. When I started working on the bag I realized that sewing everything by hand would take a really long time because I don't have a sewing machine. Therefore I changed my idea to making a laptop case out of plastic bags a an old non-hooded sweatshirt. I used what I had from the messenger bag and add on more bags if it needed to be bigger. After looking at the design of this I realized I didn't want to do this either.

Now I am back to the idea of making a messenger bag out of plastic bags, but with a different take on this. I decided that I will fuse the bags together using an iron and wax paper the same way I would for the laptop case or the first messenger bag I was going to make. After fusing them together I will take a hot glue gun and join the bags together, then cut and finish joining the rest of the bag together. Once I'm done making the bag design I will sew on a strap and hot glue a bag flap on to the bag.

Alex Johnson 1st Marking Period

For my art project, I took inspiration from "The Simpson's Movie". In the film, the city of Springfield got quarantined because of all the toxic waste they let off into the river. I took my own spin on this idea by making a miniature version of Philadelphia.

When I made this I didn't need a lot of stuff. I got a box from my dad's job and some old boxes from creams and medicine. 

First I started to sketch out some ideas of a futuristic city. After I got my ideas sketched out, I began to gather my materials and build a mini city. Here are some pictures (coming soon)

Rondel Calloway 1st marking period

In my art class we are studying the creation of art through recycled materials. I found this very interesting because the idea of creating something new out of something old is phenomenal. But I found that doing this was not easy.

 At first I didn’t know what I wanted to do.  I went through about 10 different ideas. Finally I came up with this idea of making a pyramid out of bottle caps. I thought this was a good idea because I have different things going on in my life. It's important to me that I prioritize them. If I don't then I will be consumed by all the things I have to do. I think that a pyramid is a good way of showing, while using bottle caps. 


Longnu Nhan Q1

According to the dictionary, art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. I personally think that art has many different meanings. Some people think that art is something that relieves their stress and get let them be creative.

I described art as an expression. The colors can describe the person's feelings. Each other has different meanings. Artist usually put colors in their paintings to represent their emotions. I personally don't use art to express my feelings. It's just not my thing.

For my art piece, I decided to do something unique. I thought many things to do, but it wouldn't click for me. Until the last minute. I used my knowledge about recycling  and my artistic hands to lead me to the idea. I was stacking these yogurt cups up and I thought about the earth. The earth has green as the grass and then blue for skies. So I decided to draw the beauty of earth onto the cups. The only thing I would change is the timing. I waited until the last minute which was not a good idea and text out how to stick the yogurt cups together.


Tree of Life. Yadi Angeles

In my Art class, I had a project that had to do with recycling. We had to use things that either were recyclables or weren't depending on what we wanted and make something out of them. I personally am a big fan of art, and I enjoy to do it because I feel it brings out my most creative side. 

A lot of my themes are people. My best things to draw are girls. Since my theme is so common, I decided to try something new and make something more nature-like. 

What I decided to do was a tree made out of tree materials. As I got into it, I started to realize all of the components that a tree goes through to become the piece of computer paper on my desk, or the cardboard box at my door. So I began to think that if I was going to make a tree, I might as well express what a lot of trees are going through when a human (i.e me) is involved. I made my lean, and made an axe to "cut" it down. So not only have I made a tree out of tree products, but I'm also trying to express the things that seem to be happening way too much to our nature. 

Photo on 2010-11-02 at 22.09

My first attempt at a tree.

Photo on 2010-11-02 at 22.32

Photo on 2010-11-02 at 22.58

The axe I had decided to make.

Photo on 2010-11-02 at 23.26

My final product.

As our first project in art class, we had to make posters to put around the school. Our goal was to get other students to save bottle caps and give them to us so that we can use them in our art. However, I can't post a picture of my poster because I can't find it anywhere in the school.
Photo on 2010-11-02 at 23.26
Photo on 2010-11-02 at 23.26

Gabby Nigro Marking Period 1

​I found it pretty interesting that we had to make a project out of recycled materials. When my art teacher was explaining this project I was not certain on what I was going to do. So I started to do research and I figured out I wanted to do something I could use or someone else could. So I decided to make a purse.
My progress on the purse was actually good. From doing this project I learned how to sew. When I started this project I did not know how to sew and as I was finishing up the project I seemed like I was a pro. This project is not fully finished because it is missing one thing. The one thing that it is missing is a handle. I left out the handle because I actually decided that I wanted to make it a clutch bag, which means I would either have to make a zipper out of materials that were recycled or buy one; which that we were avoiding. 

Down here are a few pictures of the finished product (: Photo on 2010-11-07 at 22.23 #3Photo on 2010-11-07 at 22.23 #2Photo on 2010-11-07 at 22.23