Zucchini Bread Recipe

Zucchini Bread

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 3 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of vegetable oil
  • 2 ¼ cups of white sugar
  • 3 teaspoons of vanilla extract
  • 2 cups of grated zucchini
  • 1 cup of chopped walnuts


1) Grease and flour two 8x4 inch pans. Preheat oven to 325º F (165º C).
2) Sift flour, salt, baking powder, soda, and cinnamon together in a bowl.
3) Beat eggs, oil, vanilla, and sugar together in a large bowl. Add sifted ingredients to the creamed mixture, and beat well. Stir in zucchini and nuts until they well combined. Pour batter into prepared pans.

4) Bake for 40 – 60 minutes, or until tester inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool in pan on rack for 20 minutes. Remove bread from pan, and completely cool.


Recipe provided by: "Mom's Zucchini Bread Recipe - Allrecipes.com." Allrecipes.com - Recipes, Menus, Meal Ideas, Food, and Cooking Tips. Web. 02 Nov. 2011. <http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/moms-zucchini-bread/detail.aspx>.

     I decided to make Zucchini Bread, which is a sweet-tasting desert-type dish, that I always remember my mom making frequently when I was a little kid. This recipe contains the typical ingredients that you would find in a regular cake such as sugar, eggs, baking soda, vanilla extract, flour, etc. However, the unique part about this recipe is that it contains a vegetable, which is not very common to find in a cake. This recipe is a delicious treat to have every once in a while, and something that is healthier to eat than regular cake, but if you were to eat this every day, you would be consuming a pretty big amount of sugar, which could cause you to develop diabetes after a while. The ingredients that were used in this recipe were both commercially grown and organically grown, which means this recipe has both positive and negative effects on the environment. This because the organic ingredients within this recipe are grown and produced using no chemicals such as fertilizer, pesticides, fossil fuel and much more, however, the commercially grown food is grown using many different chemicals that harm the environment in countless ways.

     All of the ingredients in this recipe came from ACME, which is a company that sells both natural and organic food brands (consisting of ingredients that are 70% – 95% organically grown) that come from all over the world. The ingredients in my recipe that were 100% organic were the walnuts and the zucchini. ACME, and the companies that are ACME’s food providers, as well as the farmers that grew/produced the food are who made money off of this recipe.

     During this unit, I learned a great deal of things about food, the food industry, what I should and should not consider eating, and much more. All of the things of which I have learned during this unit have really opened my eyes to the point that I have even caught myself looking at the ingredients in some foods before I decide if I am going to eat them or not.

     Throughout this entire unit, one thing that has really stuck out to me is the movie, Food Inc., and how selfish the large food companies (that have taken over the food industry such as Perdue and Tyson) are. The only thing they care about is making as much money as they possibly can in the fastest and cheapest way possible; regardless of how unhealthy their ending “food” product is, as well as how poorly they treat their livestock. These two things are truly shocking and scary to me. The fact that when I go into the supermarket and buy a pound of chicken breasts and not know what is actually in those “chicken breasts” is something that really terrifies me.

A way to solve the problem we face which is large food companies taking over the food industry is by buying and supporting local farmers and purchasing more organic food from grocery stores. Not only will this help the fight against these large food companies (that claim they produce “food”, but don’t), but it will also benefit everyone’s health because we will be consuming REAL food, that contains no unknown chemicals, food that is naturally grown, and most importantly, food that is treated in a much more humane way.

Food Rule Slide:

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Election Day Interview

Election Day Picture MMarton
Election Day Picture MMarton
*My interviewee would like to remain anonymous.

​Q: What motivated you to come vote today?
A: It is pretty routine for me, actually. I vote because that is my civil duty.

Q: Do you vote in every election?
A: As far as I can remember, yes. Like I said before, voting is my civil duty, and I try to fulfill that to the best of my ability.

Q: Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
A: No, do you?

Q: Where have seen the most political advertisements?
A: I would have to say on TV. I watch TV regularly, and I see the majority of ads in the commercials.

Q: What is the most memorable campaign ad that you've ever seen?
A: The Obama advertisements. That was such a memorable campaign, so I guess the ads were very memorable as well.

Clear Object Q1

I sketched this Beer mug, because I figured it would be easy. Of course as  Ms Hull always says " I will never give you easy work. They are all hard". How ever  while I was drawing this mug I feel like I tried a tab bit to hard. To me this looks like a "blue print" of how its suppose to look instead of the actual product. In the future, I would like to broaden my knowledge on perfecting an object to look exactly the way it does.
" Stay Classy!" ~ Mr Chase

Artist statement _ Tyler Creighton

For this quarter we had to create a couple of projects. The first project that we did was still life drawn picture of a student model. This drawing took four classes , four hours to complete this drawing.We  also had to make a drawing of a clear glass object. It took the class about 3 hours to complete this drawing.Both the  drawling's had to look as real as possible. The  still life drawing  had the most detail out of the two drawings, the drawing started off with lines that was going to be body parts. Something I lacked in was putting all my effort into each drawings. In the still life drawing  i put a lot of  effort into drawling her upper body than the bottom. But for my glass drawing I believe I did very well but I do need to work more on the inside shading and the light hitting the glass in certain spots but overall I think I did very well.

In my glass drawling we had to make the glass look like it was sitting on the paper, as it the glass was in the paper, basically 3-D. We used charcoal for this project as our drawing utensil. Using it made it easier for shading and fading. When i started my drawling I realized it was more to a drawing then a shadow and a outline. This drawing helped me to realize being a artist is not easy it takes a lot of work and patience . This made me stronger in some sections. I started off by shading a the shape of my glass. Then i lightened the area where the light hit the glass. After that I darkened the outline of my object so I could shade it in. In the video we watched the artist next step was erasing and shading where the light sits in the object. Once i did that for the first hour I took the next two hours making this drawing look more 3-D. This drawing consisted of me shading the object, darkening the out line ,showing how the light hits each side of the glass and adds a shadow , these are all the qualities and high lights of my drawing to make this object look like real glass.    

Still life drawling

 For this assignment we had to draw a human model for four hours. Before beginning this drawling I had to visualize the size of the model and the size of the paper, and figure out how i would portion the drawling. I visualized my model dejah and put her on my paper.Most of my focus was on her upper part of her body and shading where the light hit her. My weakness of this project was being able to draw her legs, but overall i felt I  did a weak good job.

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2011-11-03 14.13.32

Election Day Interviews

Q1. What motivated you to come out and vote?
A1. I was raised in a family that voted and were always politically involved. I was taught the importance of voting and what each vote means. 

​Q2. What would you like to see changed in our political system?
A2. That there is more awareness given to the public in regards to the importance of their vote. By means of neighborhood committee meetings or by TV, because many do not know the importance of their vote.

​Q3. Do you vote every election?
A3. Yes

​Q4. Where did you encounter the most ad campaigning?
A4. Mostly on the tv and sometimes by phone

​Q5. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?
A5. More help and support for our school systems, especial from the parents. This can only occur if the school system makes or demands that parents are held accountable for their actions.

Election Day Interviews


Interview #1: Ray Bailey (committee member)

1. What motivated you to come out and vote?

I'm a committee person for the Democratic party. My job is to make sure that people vote, and have the right to let their voice be heard.

2. What would you like to see changed in our political system?

I would like to see the people be more educated about the process of how you become a candidate, and how the votes are tallied up.

3. Do you vote in every election? 

Yes I do. Every election.

4. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

The changes that I'd like to see in this election, would be that the candidates live up to their promises.

5. How would you feel if voting was mandatory?

I would feel that it takes away a person's right to choose to vote or not. 


Interview #2: Faye Tyler

1. What motivated you to come out and vote?

I'm a good citizen. It's my duty.

2. What would you like to see changed in our political system?

I don't really know. There are a few things that I would like to see changed, but I can't think of them all now. 

3. Do you vote in every election? 

Yes I do.

4. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

Hopefully, a cleaner city.

5. How would you feel if voting was mandatory?

I would feel uncomfortable. If I knew I had to, it wouldn't feel the same to me. 


Interview #3: Judge John Younge

1. What motivated you to come out and vote?

I always vote. It was taught to me by my parents. They're from the South, and they always voted. I didn't know people didn't vote until I got older.

2. What would you like to see changed in our political system?

I'd like to see a city where there is a minimization of money in politics. That the political figures focus on issues.

3. Do you vote in every election? 


4. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

I hope we get our fiscal house in order. And that we fix our tax situation, so that we attract businesses and people to our city. All this without harming poor people.

5. How would you feel if voting was mandatory?

This is a free country. With that comes the choice to vote. Maybe if we did early voting, or computerized voting, or maybe even voting on the weekend. Mandatory voting would be against our constitutional right to vote. 


Interview #4: Janienne Hinton

1. What motivated you to come out and vote?

To make sure I have a voice.

2. What would you like to see changed in our political system?

More cooperation among different parties.

3. Do you vote in every election? 


4. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

More funds for the school system, and city services

5. How would you feel if voting was mandatory?

I'm for it if there's no fine. If there is a fine, I would be against it. 

Interview #5: Linda Tripp

1. What motivated you to come out and vote?

It's my civic duty.

2. What would you like to see changed in our political system?

That both political parties get together to make Pennsylvania a better state.

3. Do you vote in every election? 


4. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

Hopefully, both parties get together to change the future of our city and state.

5. How would you feel if voting was mandatory?

I'd feel uncomfortable. To make me vote for someone I don't want or have to vote for would make me uncomfortable. 

*The following interview was conducted the following day (Monday) via email*

Interview #6: W. Wilson Goode Jr. (Councilman - at - Large)

1. What would you like to see changed in our political system?

My law enacted campaign contribution limits but it's up to the "one person- one vote" to prevail.

2. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

I will continue to increase economic opportunity in terms of creating new jobs, better wages and benefits as well as business and workforce diversity.

3. How do you think we can improve voter turnout in Philadelphia?

People vote when they believe that it will make a difference.

4. What inspired you to run for office? 

I'm the son of a Mayor but also the grandson of sharecroppers who endured economic discrimination - I fight for justice!

5. How do you feel about making voting mandatory?

People should go to the polling place to vote even if they don't like any of the candidates - and there is a ""NO CONFIDENCE" vote option.

Interviewing the Voters

Ms. Sonya

She is an employee for the School District and didn't find it appropriate to take a video of her talking about the voting system. Plus my phone didn't have just an audio recorder so I am stuck with zero visual things from her.

1)  What motivated you to come out and vote?

I'm a believer that I have a voice and my voice counts. And that I can make a positive change in my community.

2) What would you like to see changed in our political system?

When first asked: Umm....can I pass on this for a second?

Second time asking: Nothing that I can think of right now. Maybe changing the electoral college. How is it that these little itty bitty states have such big power?

3) Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?

Haha that's weird cause I have no idea. You should research that for me.

4) Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?

I'm always sure.

5) What changed do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

I am hopeful that the people who are elected that they put the community's desire before their ow personal agenda and their own desires.

6) What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election? Did you learn about voting in school? If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today?

I learned about voting from my parents. Actually as soon as I turned 18 I register to vote. What I hope for is that the person I voted for wins! And that they represent me well.

Ali Ahmed Interview Questions

I took a trip around the corner (literally) to local poling station to get a layout of the land. It was surprising active. Supporters grouped together ready to make their way to pick new representatives. I thought people were relatively knowledgeable. I have been seeing picket flags on lawns saying vote Karen Brown and others for a while now. So, after a couple ignoring attempts I got an interview.

My somewhat word for word records:

Greetings and Salutations*

1.What motivated you to come out and vote?
"I work for the city so I know how much these elections matter. I need to vote or I won't make a difference."
(everyone sounds amazing when they know its being recorded)

2.What would you like to see changed in our politcal system?
"In general?"
No, locally.
I think it is pretty solid. Although I think the national elections should be more transparent.

3. How often do you vote in elections?
"When I can find a reason. This time around I think I should vote because there are people that that could make change."

4.Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?
"Not really."
(Me being smart with my previous research)
"Because back in the day, people needed to vote before Wednesday which was the market day. This gave them time to travel"
"Sounds Primitive"
(Ya I know right) awkward*

5.What changes do you expect from these elections? What are you hoping for?
"I hope to see more work. I know a lot of people out of work and I hope my vote makes a difference."

Goodbyes and Thank you's*

Voting on voting day

1: What motivated you to come out and vote? 

I feel as though it is my right, (that people caught hard for me to have) so it is my duty. Every vote counts and i want my voice/ opinion to be heard. 

2: What would you like to see changed in our political system? 

I wish we could all just get along to get to that common goal. I also believe that certain people get paid to much and their salaries need to be looked at and re-evaluated given our current economic situation. 

3: Do you vote every election? 

Yes, I vote every year. 

4: Do you know why we vote on Tuesday? 

Not a clue 

5: Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning? 


6: What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?

I don't really pay attention to them because they say nasty things about each other. 

7: Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating? 



8: What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election? 

hope if the mayor is re elected that the people of philly realize we need to make some changes and they don't shoot down all his ideas. Something has to give. 

9: What impact do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election? Did you learn about voting in school? If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today?  

I feel every vote counts and there really wasn't a lot of people voting today so my vote hopefully will make that much more of a difference. I learned about voting from my mom. She reinforced how important it is to be heard and reminded me it is a privilege to be able to vote. People in other countries don't have that capability. 



​Q: Why did you come out and vote today?

A: Because I feel as though my vote will make a difference. Even though the electoral vote is changing and the government is changing, my opinion matters in every decision that they make.

Q: What do you know about electoral votes?
A: I know it's something like depending on the population in a certain area it depends on how many representatives represent them in the decision for Democrat or Republican.

Q:Do you know why they vote on Tuesday?

A: Truthfully no. And honesty it's a waste, time off from work that I don't need.

Q:Do you think it's important that young people vote?

A: I do believe that young people should vote. But I don't think they should vote until they are in their 20's. They are just beginning to vote and don't know how to works and their vote might not even count until a more important and memorable election.

Q:How long have you been voting?

A: For 10 > years

Q: How far do you live from the polls?

A: I live just around the corner

Q: Do you think it's hard for other people to come and vote?

A: Yes I do. Like I said earlier it cuts time out of work.

Q: Have you voted everywhere?

A: No I have not.

Q: If voting were online, would you consider it voting every year?

A: No, because I'm not into technology since I'm older. But yes because it would be more convenient to other people.

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Election Day Interview: Frank Beckton

Alexis: Hello Mr. Beckton            voting
Frank: You mean Dad?
Alexis: Yes Dad. I would to ask you a few question about your voting experience and why you came out today. 
Frank: Alright.
Alexis: What motivated you to come out and vote?
Frank: I'm the judge of elections.
Alexis: What exactly does the judge of elections do?
Frank: Well I oversee the polling place to make sure everything is up to code and  to enforce all the rules and regulations of the election. 
Alexis: Do you vote every year?
Frank: Yes I do. 
Alexis: Where have you encountered the most campaigning? And what is the most memorable campaign you've encountered?
Frank: I've seen the most ads on television but the most memorable for me was President Richard Nixon. 
Alexis: What impact do you feel your vote will have on the election?
Frank: This time around I don't feel that my vote will have much of an impact because the same people will stay in higher positions however I do believe in the power of voting. 
Alexis: Do you know why we vote on Tuesdays and did you learn about voting in school?
Frank: Actually no I didn't learn about voting in school and also no I don't know why. 


Election Day !

​Q1: Do you vote in every election? 

A1: Yes, every election since I was able to vote.

Q2: What motivated you to come out and vote?

A2: I like to take part in the political process even though it might not make a big difference.

Q3: What would you like to see change in the political system?

A3: The main thing I would like to see change in the interaction between corporations and government. I believe the corporations have too much access into swaying politics. Also campaigns lobby which is a lot of money involved.

Q4: Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating?

A4: It all depends. I usually vote all one party for the general election. It is a little more complicated one it comes to the primaries because it's hard to research local candidates due to terrible websites because not enough money, though ironically local elections effect the most, in my personal opinion.

Q5: What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

A5: I doubt anything will change but extending existing bike lanes would be nice.


Voting Interview

Melissa Andrews (Age: 45)​

1. What motivated you to come out and vote?

I believe its my duty to go out and vote if I want change to happen. Just as much as I have rights I have duties and I believe this is one of them

2. What would you like to see changed in our political system?

I think that the voting process should definetly be changed. I dont really agree with the electoral college vote.


I think we all know what we want and need for this country and should be left up to them, because then it sometimes makes people believe their votes dont count.

3. Do you vote in every election? 

Yes. Ive been voting in every election since the age of 21 which is when I was a little more mature about this and actually cared about it.

4. Do you know why we vote on tuesday?

Not really.

5. Where have you encountered the highest amount of campaigning?

In print. I see them all the time around my neighborhood.

6. What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?

Well one of my favorites has been the Obama campaign. I think his way of reaching out to people was very effective.

7. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating? 

I come in with my choices made. I do my research cause a part of my duty is knowing my facts not just voting for whoever.

8. What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

I dont have high expectations but I do believe that this city should worry a whole lot on putting money towards the school budget and creating safer streets out here with not so much violance

9. What impact do you feel that your vote will have on the election?

I believe that even though im only one person I can still have an impact not only with the election but setting examples to those people who dont come out and take time out of their day and vote.

They didnt allow me to take pictures inside. But I took one of the outside. : )
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Today I went to my local church and interviewed a lady names Stacy Henderson 

I need help with putting my video on here so for now it can only be found on youtube. sorry for the inconvenience! 


I went to Thomas G Mortin School, I interview two people and one of those people, it was a lady who was in charge of all of the stands/booths and she was on the democracy side and she vote all elections. I have the video on my phone however, I do not own a code to upload the video. where the http://www.century21.com/schools/philadelphia-pa-schools/morton-thomas-g-school/O00928244-LCPAPHILADELPHIA