Tarea 29/4/11 - San Antonio de los Altos

Cuando vivia en Venezuela como una niña, mi familia y yo vivimos en los montañas cerca de la ciudad de San Antonio de los Altos. Pues, si tuveria la oportunidad de viajar a Venezuela otra vez, gustaría ir ayí. Gustaría ir a los tiendas y hablar con los ciudadanos. También, iría a los montañas. 

E4 Clase 02/05/11

Hay un restaurante venezolano muy popular en Filadelfia. Está en la calle 9 y Spring Garden. Aquí está la carta.

Contesta las siguientes preguntas:
  1. ¿Cómo se llama el restaurante? ¿Qué significa?
  2. ¿Hay jugo de naranja?
  3. ¿Hay té de coca?
  4. ¿Hay mariscos? ¿Qué tipo?
  5. ¿Hay sopas y ensaladas?
  6. ¿Hay flan?
  7. ¿Hay hamburguesas? ¿Son parecidas (the same as) a las hamburguesas de McDonald's?
  8. ¿Te gustaría comer en este restaurante?
  9. ¿Qué pedirías si pudieras comer allí?
  10. ¿Y de beber?
  11. ¿Qué no te apetecería comer?

E1/E4 Tarea 01/05/11 Fotos de comida

We will be co-creating a food blog with a class in Venezuela. We will be posting photos of typical foods we eat and describing them. They will be posting photos of typical Venezuelan foods they eat and describing them. Then we will be posting comments to each other.

Take pictures (do not find images on the internet) of at least 3 food items you often eat or food you eat between today and tomorrow (dinner, breakfast, dinner). Put them in a folder named "Venezuela" on your desktop.

E1 Clase 02/05/11

Hay un restaurante venezolano muy popular en Filadelfia. Está en la calle 9 y Spring Garden. Aquí está la carta.

Contesta las siguientes preguntas:
  1. ¿Cómo se llama el restaurante? ¿Qué significa?
  2. ¿Hay jugo de naranja?
  3. ¿Hay té de coca?
  4. ¿Hay mariscos? ¿Qué tipo?
  5. ¿Hay sopas y ensaladas?
  6. ¿Hay flan?
  7. ¿Hay hamburguesas? ¿Son parecidas (the same as) a las hamburguesas de McDonald's?
  8. ¿Te gustaría comer en este restaurante?
  9. ¿Qué pedirías (What would you order)?
  10. ¿Y de tomar?
  11. (En inglés por favor) Find at least 10 words we learned in Spanish this unit that you see used in El Sazón's menu.

High Expectations

Last year for junior prom, I had probably the most eventful week of my life. After prom I spent the night over a friends house, the next day I drove to the shore, and the day after that I drove to the airport in preparation of a week in the Grand Canyon. Yes, it was a week without showers and normal hygiene and technology of any kind, but it was worth the sacrifice.

And with any luck, this prom will be even better!


We were in New Jersey traffic and had been for the last hour and a half.  Despite the frustration of a five-hour drive (which should have been three), we were in good spirits, singing along to the 60's station.  My hands were in the air and my eyes were closed as Aretha Franklin belted "R-E-S-P-E-C-T!" I opened my eyes to see my dad pick up his phone. His foot was off of the brake, so the car inched forward.  Suddenly the brakes lights of the car in front of us caught my attention.  I didn't know how long they had been on, but I screamed. My dad looked up and immediately hit the breaks.  It was too late. We had hit the car in front of us and now had to stop in the middle lane of I-95. 

The man in the other car got out, a bulky Italian guy, clearly very angry.
"What the (explicit) are you (explicit) doing?"
"I was talking to my daughter."
"What the (explicit), man?"

I had never seen my dad so passive, but that was his way of diffusing the man's anger. Luckily both cars pulled away with barely a scratch, but my dad has now learned to never text while driving.