25 word short love stories.


She elegantly sat in the dim, romantic candle light. Waiting for the mystery figure to come in the door, just to see it wasn't him.


Pacing back and fourth, thinking to himself. Brunette or blonde? Blue or Hazel eyes? Roses in hand she came; a red head, green eyed perfection. 

2 Love Stories

For the last three months we’ve slow danced in a burning room.

I’ve got the blood caked beneath my fingernails to prove it

Do you? :(


We got laughter

Strewn across July linen

On a hot afternoon

In an empty room

With sweat and the beat of a raggedy window fan :)

Full body sketch of Kim Bush.

This week assignment we had to draw Kim Bush from the angle we stood and she modeled. It was easy at first to get the angle of her shoulder and knee and getting the shape of the behind (which I saw clearly because of where I stood). The shading was difficult because I felt i was losing the body in to much shading but overall i feel i did well. 

First Page of "A Walk in the Woods " Rewritten

I'd lived in New Hampshire only a few days before I discovered a hidden trail at the edge of my town.  

I later learned that it wasn't just any trail.  This was the Appalachian Trail, the prized 2,100 mile path that crossed 14 states on the east coast.  It was surely a sight to see; as you walked its length, you were sure to discover rolling hills and lush forests.  With names like the Catskills, White Mountain and Smokies, these mountains drew even the most unexperienced hiker to their summits.  

As I read the plaque marking its beginning, I realized how lucky I was to have simply stumbled upon such a treasure in this quiet town.  

The Friday Afternoon Show with Justin Pullins premieres March 11!

Hey, folks. Be sure to catch The Friday Afternoon Show with Justin Pullins every other Friday starting March 11! It's going to be a lot of fun, but in the meantime, be sure to check out this promo from the show.

Blog #7

I've been staring at this clock for about 30 minutes and it has felt as though it has been thirty days.  I am so excited about leaving but my ride is taking forever, I walked down the hallway and walked back, same time.  Went into the kitchen and got something to drink, 30 seconds passed.  I made my bed, re-combed my hair, listened to a 7 minute song and still only 1 minute has passed.  This is going to be potentially the longest part of my night.  Tick, tick, tick, he said 3:30 it's 3:31 he's a minute late, I wonder if there's something wrong. Ding Dong, oh that must be him, I should probably get dressed.

Out of Focus

The assignment was to pick a random word and create a video using it. The word that the group of Teila Allmond, Harrison Talese-Rhodes, and I have drawn was "Out of Focus". So our video was based around the simple words of, "Out of Focus".

Valentine's Day

I have always loved celebrating Valentine's Day, regardless of my relationship status.  The candy, cards, small gifts, and over all joyous feeling has always had a positive impact on me.  The fact that I have a close person to share the holiday with this year makes things even better.

Tonight, Eric and I are going to the movies.  We have absolutely no idea what movie to see, but we have been planning on doing something for the holiday.  I kind of want to see "The Rite" directed by Mikael Håfström.  It's an Anthony Hopkins movie, so it will definitely be creepy enough for me.  I just saw two other Anthony Hopkins' movies, "The Silence of the Lambs" and "Hannibal".  Eric and I both enjoyed them very much so I hope that "The Rite" will be equally as good.

Today should be amazing!

Homework: Rewrite First Page

Napoleon's Bayou
New Orleans
August 1953  

     Two Italians walked into the Bayou, a nightclub in the French Quarter, like instant death, giving people menacing stares shooting bullets into the eyes who dared to meet their glare. Both men were dressed in gangster attire consisting of expensive dark suits, dark ties, dark shoes, and tilted fedoras. As they made their way through the crowded club of Negros who, just moments ago, danced lively to the Jazz band, a passageway was immediately cleared for no one had the temerity to stand in their way. Their names were Chicago Sam and Vincenzo Milano.
     Sam was a rumored Mob Boss and had a seat on the Syndicates's Commission, the board of directors of Gangsterdom. He held the power of life or death, god to all of those who feared his unpredictable and merciless wrath.


I just realized, I didn't post a story all weekend. AWESOME. This is definitely not as easy as I expected, and I don't think that it is fair that we have to post on the weekend, not everyone gets the time to do so..​

I'm so tired of school, it's unbelievable. I cannot wait to graduate and move on. Offically 120 days until I graduate.
No more worrying about storytelling on Saturdays and Sundays, no more doing pre-calculus in my head everytime I see a math problem, no more listening to annoying girls scream in the middle of the hallway, although I do that sometimes....

I went snowboarding at Bear Creek this weekend. Look.
Screen shot 2011-02-13 at 9.55.17 PM
Screen shot 2011-02-13 at 9.55.17 PM

Rewrite first page of story:Hannibal

The Mustang jolted up the entrance ramp of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire Arms on Massachusetts Avenue, it was rented by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon in the interest of the economy.

In three vehicles their were 3 strike forces, armed and waiting for Clarice Staring as she sped around the corner in her Mustang.  Along with the three vehicles , was a battered undercover van and a car of two SWAT teams behind it. The undercover van was disguised as Marcell's Crab House truck. Starling opened the door of her mustang and snatched the equipment bag out of her trunk before heading to the Undercover Van. Her small fatigue complimented her fast paced walk. When she arrived at the van a DC officer dressed in uniform was wait in the van. "Women are always late." he said.

Pardon Me, I Must Be Going.

"He will love me when the horns start to show. Mother says we should start to see them by next fall. He will adore me when my pigment changes and the color leaves my eyes. He will love me always. I know it. From the minute I saw on him on the subway car, staring  awkwardly at the weird stain in the corner of the neighboring seat, he was mine. Father thinks him odious, boring, and easily replaceable. I happen to oppose everything Father says, simply for the thrill of it, so his dislike is all the more evidence of our perfection for one another.
He will love me when others cower at my feet, afraid and broken. Mumbling of days long since past, begging for my mercy. He will stand unflinchingly by my side. He loves me in what some might call an "inescapable fashion". I quite like the sound of that. Inescapable. I suppose such devotion is upsetting for his house harpy, or "wife" as some know her. What a retched thing she is. Crying all the time about love lost and my cruelty as though I am to blame for his feelings. This is fate! The cosmos! Destiny! She was but a pit stop on his way to me and she has overstayed her welcome! I wish he would dispose of her. Perhaps I will make him do that tomorrow, proof of his undying love. Oh that is a grand idea! A perfect Valentine's Day gift.
He is mine, mine, mine… goodness, look at the time! Pardon me, I must be going. It has been lovely chatting with you."

They Always Ruin Things

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11:19 PM
James: how do black people mess up everything
11:23 PM
Me: ard so me malcolm and my friend bernard were skateboarding at acme up around germantown
then people in a car started driving down the block blowing a blow horn.
my friend was like wassup,( like a party wassup)
the people stopped the car and some tall big black bul got out and ask if there was a problem. we just stood there and he started running after us. He came like close to us and ask if there's a problem. We just stood there looking at him and each other confuse like.
Then the black dude ran back to the car saying "go get the rachet",  so we started to walk towards acme. I got a little nervous.
Some guy we saw earlier that worked there asked if there was a problem and we told him what happen and he told us to go inside.
The guys in the car started to pull in the parking lot while we were in acme.
We were just strolling around in there until the heat died.
The guy that worked at acme asked if we knew them.
We were said "naw".
We told him we weren't starting anything.
He walked us to the cars and my friends and I just sat in the cars until we thought of the next move.
A couple of minutes a random car that look similar drove into the parking lot but there was only one person visible in it.
He was on his cell.
He drove by our car and stopped near it for a couple of seconds, then he circled the street pole and stayed there for a couple more seconds, then he just drove off, so my friends and I decided to go somewhere else so we went to the C.W. Henry School parking lot to think.
We decided to end the night out and we went home.
Black people mess everything up.
James: dag.
thats really drawlin
Me:i kno
James: well im just glad ur ok
Me:yea, but I don't think it was about anything because the guy would have hit us if it was serious.