La Casa de los Espiritus

El titulo de mi libro es La Casa de los Espíritus por Isabel Allende. El genero es Novela y Realismo Mágico. La trama es muy suspenso pero un poco confuso pero en el punto de vista de mi son mucho de los libros de Isabel Allende. No creo que puedo hacer un predicción haurita tengo que leer mas del libro. Me encanta el libro, me gusta leer sobre la magia y me gusta suspenso. Este libro tiene los dos cosas. Los personajes son muy bien escritos. Alguno tienen caracteres fuertes alguno débiles. No relaciona con nada nada de magia pasa con migo o predicciones de muerte. Yo recomiendo el libro para gente que les gustan magia, suspenso y un poco de terror. 

a note to self

tumblr_lgauvavKeP1qa4th6o1_500whatever a person wants to do , they should do it . you should not stop because of what others think. people are going to judge you until the day you die. if you truly think about it, there is no way you can be mentally, physically, or emotionally happy -to your full potential unless you live for YOURSELF. Its pointless to say ” dont judge me” or “dont judge me unless you know me”  its literally pointless! People will judge you NO MATTER WHAT, its apart of life. Your mother judges you, your father, your sister, your friend, boyfriend, girlfriend and so on. EVERYONE JUDGES YOU. even GOD himself. They may not hold you accountable, they may understand more than others and accept what you do but  WE as HUMANS JUDGE. And if they dont accept you , its fine. You dont need acceptance. Acceptance is something that the world uses as fuel. It may  very well push you, but it wont keep you up. At any time , anything and anyone can deny you. if you were born on your own , you can think on your own, be on your own, and be your own person. live for your own goddamn self.  and if they dont like it , ....then what do you and i do ?

Inside his head

Every night during dinner, my brother tells us jokes that occurred to him at school.  I swear he has a running narrative in that head of his, but that's a story for another night.  My dad bought him a watch for his birthday last week and asked him if he was enjoying wearing it.

"Yea, it was great in class today!"
"What happened?"
"Well my teachers are always running into lunch, so today when my math teacher asked, 'What's 34 divided by 2', I looked at my wrist and thought, It's 5 past 12.  Can we go now? 

At least his jokes stay inside his head.

Right Place at the Right time :)

On my way home from school, I was waiting for the sub. After about 5 mins, it came and my car was pretty empty. I was standing right behind a little girl, so I thought I would get my favorite seat. The one facing outward, going the direction of the train. Anyway, right before I could get my seat the little girl in front of me and her mom took my seat. I was so angry so I got I sat in the seat behind them. When I looked down in the seat, to make sure I didn't sit in anything, and there it was! Sitting right in the crack of the seat in the wall was $5! I picked it up and found $2 inside! Just my luck, thanks to the little girl taking my favorite seat I found $7!

Harry Potter

El título de la novela, es Harry Potter y el piedra filosofal y la autora es J.K. Rowling.  Es en el genero de fantasma.  Hasta ahora es trama es sobre un hombre se llama senor Dursley, su esposa, y so hijo.  sentar Dursley tiene un hermana, extraño y los Dursley's no le gustan.  Una día senor Dursley mira personas en capa y muchas lechuzas.   Pienso que los eventos tiene algo hacer con los Potters (la hermana de sentar dursley.  Me gusta el libro mucha, es suspension y interesante.  No es similar de mi vida pero no leo mucho, recomiendas por todos, o personas quien le gustan fantasma.

Madison Kai Craig-Williams

 That's my sister name.
 & she is the only person keeping me sane in my household.

 As you my know by now, my life, isn't the greatest, sweetest or a teeny bit envied.

My friends always tell me I should rebel at least once, and it will let my mother know that she can't control everything that goes on in my life. They say I'm scared.

One, that logic doesn't make sense.
Two, I'm not scared, I'm smart.

 And ultimately, I love my sister too much to just leave her like that.

 I know that when i go to college that's going to be like leaving her too, but at least I can pick her up when I want, and take her places when I want, and show her the more free side to childhood.
 The childhood free to make mistakes and learn from them, and sleepovers, and summer nights, and all those things that I missed out on.

Effective Airport Screening Measures and Diplomatic Relations

Reflection: As a transportation buff, I instantly decided to research the Transportation Security Agency for my NHD project. Since there have been many changes in the TSA's rules, as well as changes in the screening processes preformed by other countries, I found it interesting to discuss how the TSA operates and how changing their measures have related to debates and diplomatic relations. I found some difficulty in being able to access primary resources of the TSA screenings, considering it is illegal to take photographs or record video/audio in the screening area. However, there are still photos of the screening areas that were photographed outside of the screening area. Since my project had many photos, yet required much space for written explanations, a website was an appropriate and excellent choice to combine the two into one succinct and concurrent project. Surprisingly, I was extremely successful in finding accounts of the screening area, as well as finding information about Israel's transparent interview-based screening process. From this project, I obtained a solid and deep understanding about the various methods of airport screening protocols and how changes to these protocols have affected international relations. In the future, I would've liked to make my website more interactive (not permitted by the NHD rules), interviewed TSA agents, and recorded video / taken photographs of the TSA's screening processes and procedures.

The Apache Sacred Run

By: Bach Tong
NHD project - website
Topic:The Apache Sacred Run
A Struggle to Restore Human Right

Please follow the hyperlink above to access the site.

Why did you choose this topic?
Why did you choose this type of presentation format?
Where did you run into trouble with the project? 
What went well with this project?
If you had it to do over, what would you change about your decisions or your process?
What did you learn?

There are many struggles in the American Society; however, the struggle of Native American has not been depicted very much where I live - in Philadelphia, or the East Coast at large. Personally, my interest is to studying history and current situation of struggles of different group of people. Therefore, I found that the struggle of the Apache tribe in Southeastern Arizona was a suitable and connectable topic for me. Out of all the given formats, web site was the best way for me to go, consider that I am armature in film editing, a bad writer, and unfriendly performer. Through out the process of doing the website, I ran into trouble of find sources that could back up my thesis and provide accurate information. However, I was fortunate to know some of the people that involve in the Sacred Run, so I was able to gather a sizable information and experiences from them. If there is a do-over, I would love to do it earlier and consult more people. I also could have contacted the people there. But that gave me lessons of researching and time managing. Most importantly, I've learned how the struggle of Native American could be linked to what happen today. It was also an opportunity for me to learn about others and their struggle. 

Harry Potter

Harry Potter y la piedra del filosofo 


no hay ahora, todo es de los Dursleys y una persona esta muerto. 

pienso que en el proximo capitulo Harry Potter como un bebe va a vivir con los Dursleys

Los Dursleys 

si es muy descriptivo 

Love Waits on One Thing

Do you ever watch love movies and think of us?
Not just like, the Notebook or Sweet Home Alabama where the story line fits us almost perfectly, but like in all love movies?
Maybe Jack trembles above Rose after making love and you think of your trembles and the way I teased you?
Maybe it’s the way the very opposite Gerard Butler and Katherine Heigl attract in the Ugly Truth.
I do.
Do you ever lie in bed watching the moon wondering if just maybe I am too?
I do.
Are you ever with someone, even someone you really care about, and for a moment see me instead? Maybe it was the shape of their mouth, the way their hair fell in their face, a face they made at you?
I’ve done that… seen you instead of him…
Do you ever just… miss me? Think of me?
Remember???? Do you ever ever just remember?

A wise movie said, ”Love waits on one thing- the right moment.”
So, when will ours be? Will it come in the future? Did we miss it already?
Was it that first day I stared across the second grade class at you?
Or the first time we split into reading groups?
Was it that first time we kissed by the trailer with a young lookout?
Maybe not.
Maybe it was the time we spent chasing each other around in my backyard.
Was it all the times you called me “peoples” as though you’d forgotten my name?
Or could it have been when we skated side-by-side, nudging each other softly?
Perhaps it was the day I handed you a note with my deepest secret written in code.
Maybe it was the first time we ever really kissed…
The first time I felt your lips on my neck, felt your warm breath in my ear?
Was it the first time you sent chills from the tip of my spine to my ankles?
Or maybe it was that night on the steps, making out for so long, with such intensity that we broke apart to splash cold water on our faces.
Could it have been when I went to your house when you were sick and you walked me home anyway to be sure I was safe?
Or was it when you came to see me when I was sick, dropping a kiss to my forehead that healed me instantly?
Was it the first time we made love, bodies trembling, some combination of fear and pleasure, feeling wrong but more than right?
Maybe it was when you held me while I cried about insignificant fights with my mother.
Or when we played in the sand and I watched the fireworks from the safety of your arms?
Maybe it was making love in the dark, stemming from nothing more than a kiss shared between two people in more than love.
Maybe it was waking up to you and seeing your smile.
Maybe it was falling asleep in your lap, on your chest, inside your arms.
Maybe it hasn’t come yet, maybe it never will.
Maybe our love is false, doesn’t exist. Maybe we’ll never have that moment.


Menciona lo suigiente en la reflexión: 
  • el título de la novela, el / la autor(a) 
  • -Dracula de Bram Stoker
  • el género 
  • -masculina
  • el trama (hasta ahora) 
  • -El hombre Jonathan Harker va a castillo de conde Dracula por su trabajo. Los personas que encontró tener medio por su.
  • predicciones que tienes sobre el trama
  • -Pienso que el tiene muchos problemas con Dracula y descubrir por qué los campesinos son tan supersticiosos.
  • los personajes (hasta ahora)
  • -Jonathan Harker y conde Dracula, pero nosotros no encontramos Dracula.
  • ¿Te gusta hasta ahora?  ¿Por qué?
  • -Si, es muy interesante. No sé mucho, pero es un poco misteriosa y me gusta.  
  • ¿El libro se relaciona con algun aspecto de tu vida?  ¿Cómo?  
  • -No, no tiene vampiros en mi vida o muchos supersticiones.
  • ¿Recomindas el libro?  ¿Para quién?  ¿Por qué?
  • -Si, recomindas el libro a todos porque es un libro clasico y es muy interesante. 

La Rutina Diaria

I learned how to turn a script into something appealing and enjoyable that will capture the attention of an audience that is around my age.
I think i did pretty well on my project, i think i could have included more pictures but i know i did a really good job on my script.
I would definitely start taking pictures earlier and make the pictures that are in the project more personal.
I did enjoy this project because it was different than just making an iMovie, it was really fun using Comic Life.

11th Grade Advisory: SAT Writing Practice 28/02/11

Take 15-20 minutes to respond to this prompt from the SAT. As with the real SAT exam, you must use a pencil and hand-write your response. If the assessor can't read your writing, you essay cannot be assessed. Remember to:
  • establish your opinion or position and provide specific facts, details, and examples to support the opinion or position
  • arrange ideas in an organized manner
  • speak in a convincing and knowledgeable way

People choose their occupations for different reasons to make money, to help others, to make the world a better place. What do you think is the most rewarding occupation you could have, excluding illegal activities? Write a newspaper editorial to convince readers which occupation is the most rewarding and why.

Cecelia Baez Daily Jawn (:

-I learned a lot of how to of course say your daily routine. &because I repeated it so often I really got everything caught in my head. I feel as if it's pretty well put together. I really actually worked VERY hard on this video. over 9 hours. I would try not to spend so much time on it. I'm very much a perfectionist and I need to try and say That i did good enough with it. Always enjoy making videos :D

"Cmo Es Mi Rutina Diaria"

i really enjoy doing doing this project because my Spanish have improved a lot and i feel good about bout myself. i can't believe believe i have improve a lot, i feel like this was my best Spanish project ever. I think you should keep doing this project because i learned a lot from it, and i'm sure every one else enjoy it too. 

maddie's la rutina diaria

What did you learn from doing this project? (skills, life lessons, words etc)  i learned how to use comic life and i learned how to talk about my morning in spanish 

How do you feel about your final product?
it's okay i wanted it to look different it didnt turn out the way i thought it would. i would have added more

If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same?
add more work on my pronunciation edit better

Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?
i really  did i thought it was fun and i was able to explore programs that were new to me. 

Who is Trustworthy?

I have learned over my short years of life that trust; like love and belief is a very precious ideology to bestow upon someone or something. By that I mean not everyone can be trusted and to determine who should be isn't always the easiest. How do you determine who you can and cannot trust?