Quarter Two Art work

The drawings that I have done for this quarter are two character drawings and two forms of collages and one drawling by a master. The characters that I have drawn are Timmy Turner and Alice from Alice in Wonderland. These drawling were done in pencil sharpie and colored pencil. The two forms of collages that I have done are one on a paper and the other on my wall which I have been working on for a while. Both of these collages are made up of things that I hold important in my life. 
The master drawling that I did this quarter was painted by Judith Leyster, she was born July 28, 1609 in Haarlem, Netherlands. She died February 10, 1660. This painting of a striped specimen was done in 1643. This painting was published in the Tulip from her Tulip Book, this can be found in the Frans Hal Museum, Haarlem. 

Q2 Art Drawings

In advance art, students are asked to challenge their drawing skills and draw numerous amounts of drawing using different strategies and tactics. These are my drawings. 

Media Fluency 2

Media Fluency
This is the new and improved slide about me. After presenting my older one I got some positive feedback not just from my Tech teacher Ms.Hull but from my classmates too. I was told that the writing was too close to the edge and it was irritating to the human eye. I learned that this was called a tangent which is when something is too close to something else to it becomes irritating to look at. I fixed my tangent by moving the words to the middle of the slide and making the filling of the letters transparent but the outline green to match the rest of the slide. 

Take Your Power Back

Many individuals in a position of power of influence, use manipulation on the things around them for their own gain. The best example of people in a influencing position are the media. They can, and do, twist the “truth” around to shape the way we see the world. If we continue to allow the media to manipulate our views, we will always be bias towards each other.

In the “Ways of Seeing” Video, John Berger shows many examples of how society uses bias against itself. Both speaking on the topic and showing us real examples, he expresses his point on the issue. “... the publicity image steals her love of herself as she is, and offers it back to her for the price of the product.” Lots of the bias in todays society are influence from the media. Weather its about a women’s self worth, race issues, or political arguments, the media has an opinion. Everyone has bias’ and theres no way around it. We need to accept our bias’ for what they are if we plan on truly trying to be objective. Certain times throughout the video, Berger goes full circle back to how the media shows women in the world. How they change peoples views on the others around them, and themselves, and pick up the ones they see around them.

There are people that are using their bias to make others aware. There are people that take the bias they get from their magazine, TV and computer screen and taking it as the right thing. “The media are desperately afraid of being accused of bias. And that's partly because there's a whole machine out there, an organized attempt to accuse them of bias whenever they say anything that the Right doesn't like. So rather than really try to report things objectively, they settle for being even-handed, which is not the same thing.” [Paul Krugman] What does it mean to be right? Is being right supposed to be whatever your thoughts and opinions are? The media has a hard time telling the difference between what is right and what we want to think is right. They have the ability to slowly change what we see around us, controlling how we think. Aware or not the media has an impact on the public no matter what it does. If it doesn’t report a certain story, their own for attack and ignorance and if they do their open to attack on how bias they are. “To remain innocent may also be to remain ignorant.” To sit back and allow people to manipulate our choices is not the innocent way. Ignorance is no longer bliss when you wake up and realize you’ve been a puppet for some time now.

The easiest and most effective way to manipulate a society is through their insecurities. If you exploit what they hate most, you can begin to mold them into what you want think. Thats what the media has been doing to women especially. “To be naked is to be one self. To be nude is to be seen naked by other and yet not recognised for oneself.” They strip women down until they are where they want them to be, them build them back up with their same bais views. “Nakedness reveals itself. Nudity is placed on display. The nude is condemned to never being naked. Nudity is a form of dress.” We believe we are naked, when we are really just nude. We are not being ourselves. We are putting on an act to trick others into believing we are stripped down because thats what the media is telling us to do. Were being told to be who we truly are. Act the way we want to. Embrace our uniqueness. Show ourselves in the simplest way. Meaning, be who you truly are if you are what we want you to be. Be unique if its what were advertising. Act the way we want you to. Show yourself in the simplest form if you naturally look the way we want you to. Be who we want you to be.

If we continue to allow the media to manipulate our views, we will always be bias towards each other. Some people are okay with letting others control their actions, thoughts and opinions. But they know someone is controlling them. The media hides their true games in hopes to manipulate society into submission. Weather we care to admit it, we are not naked until we let go of the medias control on us. Until then we are just nude, a fake form of our naked self.

BBQ Chicken Recipe


2 silver pans

1 1/2 cups of water (per pan)

30 Pieces of chicken winglets

2 Tablespoons of Garlic Powder

2 Tablespoons of Accent

18 oz bottle of BBQ sauce


1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. 

2. Clean out the pans with soap and water.

3. Rinse each piece of chicken in warm water, then place in the two medium sided silver pans.

4. Sprinkle the 2 tablespoons of Garlic Powder and the 2 tablespoons of Accent in each pan.

5. Place both pans in the oven, allow them to bake for 2 1/2 hours or until they get a brown coating.

6. Once finished baking, take them out and pour BBQ sauce. Continue to bake again for another 1 1/2.

7. Allow it to cool for 10 minutes, then serve. 



This dish is a healthy and easy dish to make. The chicken is not only fresh, but its low in calories and fat because it is baked. Out of the whole dish the only thing that has some calories is the BBQ sauce which is about 680 calories. It isn't an unhealthy dish. And considering it doesn't take a lot of ingredients to make its very easy and fast to put together and makes the perfect meat to a normal dinner.


This unit taught me a lot about what foods are healthy and what foods aren't. I have a better understanding of what is good for people ad what isn't. I also understood diabetes and how the body works. Due to this unit I cannot really look at the foods we eat the same because it seems as though the people who are in charge of our food are more focused on getting the job done then making sure the food we eat is safe. The issues I have with our food system is that health doesn't seem to be a huge factor for the people who retrieve the food for us and the people who eat it. All of the healthy foods are way to expensive, but the foods that aren't are cheap. The food industry seems to be a joke. The changes I want to make is to check the ingredients to foods and watch what I eat I'm willing to make these changes because this unit showed me I need to be more careful to what foods I eat.

Artículo 1: El Presidente y Inmigración


Quarter 3

Alejandro Marothy

Señorita Manuel

El Presidente y Inmigración

Sí, reforma de inmigración es todavía importante. En el discurso del Estado de la Unión el otro día, Barrack Obama habló fuertemente sobre la inmigración, dice “vamos aprobar una reforma de inmigración este año.” La reforma ha estado pendiente desde el año 2009. ¿Pero ahora está serio, verdad? Él prometió arreglar un sistema de inmigración roto pero tal vez sólo debe hacer promesas que puede mantener. Lo entiendo, necesita algo que decir. Tiene algo que hacer. Pero seamos realistas, con el estado del Congreso ahora ninguno de estos sueños se harán realidad. No me gusta ser tan negativo, pero por favor. Estos son fragmentos de esperanza lanzada por un hombre desesperado por cambio. Él y yo y mucho otros estado desesperados por cambio desde 2008. Sin embargo, Señor Presidente, entiendo. Usted está fuera de tiempo. Todos somos. Es la triste verdad pero tarde o temprano el ala derecha pronto agarre una vez más este país con el guante de hierro económico peligro, la avaricia y tiranía internacional. 

Lo que sea. Sólo tiene que continuar que me conceda una educación y permítanme despotricar, quejarse y juez desde mi trono dorado de narcisista superioridad y seré feliz. Sólo estoy bromeando, un poco. A veces quiero mudarme a canada donde paz y amor reinan sobre guerra y odio. En mi opinión, Estados Unidos nunca escaparán esta depresión bipartidista causada por una vida de auto-interés, avaricia y lujuria - un fuerte deseo de tragar toda las últimas gotas de los recursos del mundo y sangrar sus ciudadanos seco. Un estado vacío de intención pura, impulsado sólo por corrupción y desafecto.

Número de Palabras: 266

Trabajo Citado

EFE. "Latino News and Opinion." "Aprobemos Una Reforma Migratoria Este Año. Hagámoslo" - . Al Día, 29 Jan. 2014. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. http://www.pontealdia.com/estados-unidos/aprobemos-una-reforma-migratoria-este-ano.-hagamoslo.html


Through out this quarter I found that my art skills have gotten much better, It has become much more easier for me to make people, or to draw faces. Completing these lessons along with the ones from last quarter has helped me understand more how artist can draw humans and real objects to look as realistic as possible. I now see things from the perspective of an artist, I observe people and try to figure out how I would draw them, where I would shade, where the lighter and darker spots are, how the lighting is hitting, the form of the head and etc. I feel much more confident about my art now and am beginning to think about possibly pursing it in college. One of my favorite pieces from this quarter include the stretching person from behind and the girl with the buns. Even though the stretching person can be better I like it the most because it shows the growth in my drawing. The girl with the buns is also one of my favorites because this is where I mostly understood lighting, I had much trouble drawing hair and now I feel like I can understand it and continue to grow in this part. 

Laura's famous chicken wings

Laura's Famous Baked Chicken Wings
5lbs of chicken wings
1/2 tbspns of adobo
1 tablespoon of garlic
1 packet of sazon
3 leaves of oregano
1 cube of a chicken seasoner
3 cups of water

Season the chicken wings hours or a day ahead
De-freeze the chicken wings
Set the oven to 400 degrees
Let the oven sit for a good 20 minutes or so that it can get hot enough
Season the chicken wings for a round 2 so it can grasp the flavor
Add the 4 cups of water into the pan
Place the pan in the oven and let it sit there for about 2 minutes
Take the pan out and place the chicken wings
Place the wings back in and set the oven for 350
Let it sit there for 2-3 hours depending on how you like the skin of the chicken. 
Make sure you check it time from time

The main thing that crossed my mind when I was looking at the ingredients used in my chicken was the fact that the meat was processed. But other than that the ingredients that were used were all natural. Two of the ingredients that oregano leaves and the spice leaves were grown in my back yard. The other ingredients like sazon and adobo are natural spanish spices with other spices combined in them. The chicken wings because they were brought in the store the same day my dad bought them. The one thing I can say about my dish is that no one makes it like we do. We don't use oil because that's grease and its unhealthy for you because you have issues and weight gain if you eat to much of it. This specific form of chicken wings does not impact the health. Not everyone can grow the products which is what makes ours natural baked chicken wings. Its 200 calories in this dish. Total fat 3.1g, Saturated Fat 0.0g, Trans Fat 0.0g, Cholesterol 74 mg (25%), Sodium 99mg (4%), Total Carbohydrates 0.0g. I would much rather eat this than fast food.

Post Reflection
This unit I have learned how to stay healthy and what to eat and what not to eat. Before this unit I never thought about what I ate or what was in what I ate. The main thing that I learned this unit was the about the diseases and the causes of death, it caught my attention quickly. Before this unit I never thought about what "Is this good for me?", "Does this food have something that it shouldn't have?". I just ate whatever I liked because it was good and put a smile on my face and satisfaction to my stomach.
After learning all this stuff about the food industry I will no longer just eat whatever. I will pay attention to every detail. My role in the food industry is slim, I don't personally think that one person affects the food system because it full of careless people who don't care about anything but making money. I think the biggest issue with the food system today is their carelessness, they don't let the consumer know what is actually going on, for example McDonalds. If people were to actually know what they were eating 9 times out of 10 no one would eat there anymore. Some of the main changes I plan on making to Mumford choices are asking questions and doing research, I don't plan on eating outside as much in fast food restaurants. Being the fact that I work at Popeyes makes a difference because I know what is in there and I know what they do to the food so I feel safe eating it. But other than that I plan on eating my food at home or somewhere that I don't have to doubt. The biggest impact of me changing my ways of food choices is me getting healthy and staying healthy. My main concern is getting a disease such as diabetes or something of that sort, so I am more than willing to make these changes. No doubt!

Food Rules Benchmark

Zucchini Fries


4 large zucchini

3 cups grated parmasean cheese



3 cups of eggs whites

Olive oil

Preheat oven to 450 degrees, with oiled large non stick pan. Chop zuchinni into thin fry shapes. Dip into egg whites and bread with parmasean, oregano, and pepper mix. Place on pan and bake for 15 minutes, then flip on the other side and bake again until brown and crisp.


I'd say that the nutrition for this is pretty okay. The zucchini baked itself is low in carbohydrates, only about 5 net carbs per large zucchini. So this meal is safe for diabetics, because it's very low on the glycemic index with a glycemic of 2, meaning it does not raise your blood sugar to a dangerous level. Mostly because half the carbs are fiber. The vitamins in zucchini are leaning towards high levels of copper, maganese, magnesium, vitamin k, vitamin c, potassium, folate, and vitamin A, while it contains some tract of all nutrients. The egg whites that cover the zucchini are high in protein. About 9 grams per cup, and about 1 carb per cup.  It's low in nutrients though, with only potassium and sodium, but a good source of protein. The parmesean cheese is very very high in fat, seeming as it is usually not that aged and because of industrial food processing. 1 cup is about 30 grams of fat, mostly saturated.  It's even higher in protein at a about 40 grams of protein in a cup. Parmesean cheese is primarily calcium, a lot of calcium, and then a little bit of iron and vitamin c. But high amounts of calcium. I used about half a cup of oil for the entire recipe. Which itself is about 108 grams of fat, which is a good mix of monounsaturated, saturated, and polyunsaturated fat. It's purely fat, and a a little bit of potassium


So all in all, this food in about a serving which seems like about a cup for most is about 28 grams of mostly saturated fat,25 grams of protein, and about 5 carbs. You would be eating a very high amount of calcium,  but with other nutrients such as vitamin k, maganese, magnesium etc. all the nutrients from the zucchini this is a pretty healthy snack.

The fat can help your body absorb the nutrients in the zucchini plus the calcium. There can be very reactions to your body eating this food. One fact is that it is baked and therefore some of the nutrients naturally gets lost on the way. Secondly it contains eggs and dairy. The eggs can cause gas, bloating, and allergic reactions to those who are allergic to them. The parmesean cheese doesn't cause me any problems though, considering I am kind of a lactose intolerant. I get lots of acne when I drink milk or consume dairy, but parmesan cheese never effected me.

Also since all of the foods in my recipe are processed industrially, there is always a zap away of most of the nutrients from being absorbable for the body, and most of the nutrients being present in the food.Then the whole zucchinis being full of pesticides and possibly being genetically modified thing that plays in.But the fat combined with the nutrients of the zucchini can make a nutritious meal.

The food is very high in fat and protein, meaning it will keep the eater satisfied after consuming a small portion and give them steady ongoing energy through the day to burn. It's a good snack for anybody of any activity level. And is a great replacement for other unhealthy choices because It tastes like fries, pepperonis, and resembles carby foods like lasagna. So it's a better decision to eat zucchini fries instead of that stromboli, and the cheese pizza, and those potatoes fries, loaded with doe, carbs, and just empty crap your body doesn't need and will leave you starving the next morning. The zucchini fries will not only satisfy your craving for something fast foody, but keep your hunger tame.


None of these products come from sustainable practices. Zucchini are imported from Oregon and sprayed with chemical fertilizers. They come from industrial agricultural which is inherently unsustainable ( deforestation, chemical pollution, importation, fossil fuels etc.). The cows used to produce the milk to create the cheese are factory farmed, loaded with horomones, and living in filth, disease, death, and great pain. The cheese is made on machines by cheesemaking factories, and imported from thousands of miles. Everything on that list is imported. The olive oil from Italy, the zucchini from oregon, the cheese from god knows where, but all of the ingredients come from harmful practices.


The foods themselves aren’t bad, it’s the production, and economy that really make them not even food but imported products. Politically speaking the production/consumption style of these foods say yes to capitalism, and no to traditional ways of attaining food, and more sustainable ones. This meal is brought you by major corporations, and guilds of dudes who like to torture their food in the name of money, production, and takeover. As if we all couldn’t grow our own zucchini, pasture raise cows and culture and age our own cheese, or find our own oils to grind out and make.

This meals cost a lot of lives, land, and ozone that we are rapidly running out of.


The social is the political. I bought these at a supermarket, from a corporate chain store that exploits it’s workers who sells food products that exploit their workers and their land, and are all about eco-destruction. There was absolutely no social interaction involved in the purchasing of these items. I went to store, browsed through the colorful aisles and located my overpriced items, whose prices are inflated to generate profits for CEO’s and heads of corporations, not the workers, who are paid about 10 bucks an hour at this store. So they check out my items, and I pay the store, and I leave. 

If these items were being produced communally, I would have to talk to actual human beings about the actual foods I want, and make them with actual human beings. Instead, the processes of how the food is grown, imported, processed is all done by machines and their human slaves.

So this food, the way it was made, produced, attained, was pretty anti-social. When I brought it to share with others of course that was social. But the meal itself took a whole lot of antisocial behavior for one social event, which is kind of disturbing.


This unit I haven't learned much about things I didn't already know. Seeing as I just have a broad scientific background in nutrition for a high schooler. I learned about specific diseases and the origins of their names, but nothing truly significant that I wasn't aware of already. I think I learned a lot about GMO and how it effects the environment and it's possible dangers. We covered the Omnivore's Dilemna which is a book I was already aware of, because I had read it's counter book " The Vegetarian Myth" by Lierre Kieth, which I thought made more since. We should've talked about that book, because I think it makes way more sense and incorporates different sides of health debate.

Theres many things I think were wrong in what we learned. Michael Pollan is always pointing towards vegetarianism, but then we talk about how people with traditional diets don't have the flux of civilized diseases that we on a civilized diet get. Traditional diets are most comprised of meat, dairy, and vegetables. Local meat that is. But at the same time we are talking about how meat is bad for you and will give you all these diseases.

Also, the western diet has changed dramatically ever since the FDA proposed that a diet high in saturated fats and meat will kill you, consumption of grain, fruits, vegetables, and non-saturated fats has gone up in the past like 30 years, but heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other illnesses have also risen or stayed the same. Obesity has just grown,even though we are supposedly eating more like vegetarians. I think we focused on Michael Pollan too much, as if he is the chief of modern day health.  There is a whole bunch of things not being taken into consideration, like modern day medicine and how it effects what foods are pushed and which foods aren't.

Like for example to push cholesterol lowering drugs, there was this belief that having high cholesterol was a bad thing that was introduced in the 20th century, and the FDA had to create a diet that would lead to diseases in which high cholesterol was present. There was just a whole a bunch of useful science in this unit I felt was missing. I lot of perspectives of nutrition and diet that were missing. A whole lot of researchers and authors.

I think are biggest problem with our food system, is our food system itself. Capitalism, and agriculture are inherently harmful to the environment and not that healthy for us. There's evidence that the human brain has shrunk 5% over the last 10,000 years. Humans are shorter, and fatter. This is because of agricultural foods. The human brain could not have grown so big off of plant protein and wheat. Think of all the wheat and plants you'd have to eat to get the protein you can get in just two servings of steak. Like that's a lot of food, a lot of carbs you'd have to consume, and that can be a recipe for weight gain.

I don't think their is any choice I can make to counter the effects of living off of industrial agriculture. I can try to buy foods that aren't as bad as others, but in reality my consumer choice doesn't change the fact that what I bought took a whole lot of pollution, death, and suffering to import. And that I when I dispose of it the chemicals in my food product, and it's packaging will go back into the environment as pollutants.

My paren't always told us that we can eat anything and stay healthy and skinny, as long as we did not overeat.

Goldie Robins (Food Benchmark)


Food Item:

Pasta Salad




1 lb. (pound)

Pasta (By preference)

1 Stalk



Red Onion

8 oz 

Grape Tomatoes

12 oz 

Roasted Peppers

As much as you would like

Sharp Provolone (Recommended, but not needed) 

What you will need:

All the ingredients

1 Big sized pot

1 Medium sized pot

1 Big Bowl


1. Gather all the ingredients and have them out. 

2. Boil two pots of water. One big pot for the pasta and one medium pot for the broccoli. 

3. When the big pot comes to a boil put the pasta in and continue to stir occasionally.

4. When the medium pot comes to a boil put the broccoli in and continue to stir occasionally.

5. While the water is boiling cut the tomatoes, cheese and roasted peppers into bite sized pieces. 

6. When all the ingredients are cut put them into a big bowl. 

7. Chop up the whole red onion and a little bit of garlic and add them to the bowl. 

8. Once all the ingredients are cooked and cut stir them all together into the bowl.

9. Add oil and vinegar salt and pepper to the mix. The amount is up to you. 

10. Then enjoy! :)


The ingredients in the pasta salad were all bought from the grocery store. All of the items were technically processed, yet still healthy. All the vegetables we bought, which meant they were processed because of everything they went through to get to the store, but it is still healthy. The cheese and pasta although not bad for you were processed. There are a lot of carbohydrates in pasta, which is okay on occasion but not excessively. Eating pasta everyday is not healthy or good for you. The pasta salad itself would not be healthy eating everyday because of the excessive amount of pasta and ingredients like olive oil. Yet, some of the ingredients that are in the pasta salad are okay. Broccoli, depending on how it is made on how it is prepared is fine eating everyday. Though roasted peppers, grape tomatoes, onions, and cheese are really tasty and okay to eat in moderation, these are items that should not be consumed on a daily basis. Cheese is very high in calories, so it would not be a good modification to one’s diet. All of the food was was made and processed in the United States. None of the products are made out side of the country, which means that none of the food was imported. None of our food items were grown organically. Because all of the food is processed there are fuels that take part in the getting to the store, which tends to make it not environmentally friendly. Buying all the products came to a total of $20.00. With serving about 10 people, makes the cost per person about $2.00. This is a lot cheaper then fast food and it happens to be a lot healthier. (Still can’t eat it everyday) No items were grown ourselves, all were purchased at the store. So although it is not that environmentally friendly or healthy it still better than most foods.  


Looking back at this unit, I have actually learned a lot. Since I keep Kosher, I was never really aware or open to Non-Kosher food items. I know my facts and information (for the most part) about Kosher foods and what that means and what I do and do not eat but I never really knew about all this other information. I learned a lot more about organic food, and what that really means. My parents never really buy organic, they just try to be healthy. It has been interesting to actually see facts and statistics about the leading causes of death in the United States and how a lot of it can revolve around the food we eat on a daily basis. I have watched Food Inc and Super Size Me before so I was already informed about mass production of food, the meat and how large companies receive it, and the workers. Yet, just because I have already watched it I was still able to learn a lot more with our class discussions and the different perspectives other people brought to class. Now, being much more informed with a larger variety of food I believe it will help me and other I know. There are way too many problems with false labeling, or the rules to label certain products one thing or another. I know I will be on the look out on what I am actually  consuming based on the labels and what they say. I will, of course stay keeping Kosher, especially after watching Food Inc for too many times. I am willing to be more careful on what I buy, and to really make sure I am more aware of the ingredients and what goes in to making the product I am going to buy. Especially with what I ma buying, because staying healthy is something I would like to do, to live a long and happy life! 

Screen Shot 2014-01-29 at 1.12.48 PM
Screen Shot 2014-01-29 at 1.12.48 PM

Brandon Hall & Ryan Doyle "Fried Chicken"


Fried chicken has been a very common entree for all types of cultures that has been around for a while. There are many different twist to the way it can be prepared but it comes down to a few simple ingredients. Chicken, Flour and oil. Since it is made with such simple ingredients it makes it both cheap and a very common food. However it is not very healthy. The chicken its self is healthy but ounce it is covered in four and cooked in the vegetable oil it is then deep fried and makes eating fried 

chicken a lot worse for your body. There are different ways to prepare chicken that will cause it to be more healthy food choice for example if it were to be baked then you would still be able to consume all of the protein and nutrition form the chicken without taking in the bad fatty party of the deep fried flour that coats the fried chicken.


Something that i have learned from this unit is that our food choices can affect a lot more then just our weight. The foods we eat everyday can be one of the biggest contributors to things like heart disease and diabetes later on in our life. I also learned that Americans consume more sugar annually than any other country in the world. This stood out to me the most because it made me really stop and think about all of the things that we eat that have sugar in them or high fructose corn syrup which is the same as sugar. We eat foods that are sweet and high in sugar because it is cheap and we are just so used to them being in our everyday diet. Making diet changes could be so simple and be able to help you prevent dying form heart disease. What shocks me the most is that people are aware what these bad foods do to us but yet we still decide to eat them completely ignoring the damage that is being done for life.

eggplant and tomato pasta and kale pesto

Personal Reflection: 
This unit I learned that health is a huge problem that people dont think about. People look past the fact that intaking a lot of fats can cause a lot of diseases that we dont think are harmful. As a larger food system we dont care about the things that we intake. We only care about how it taste and if it fills us up. The biggest problems with our food system is the fact that even the veggies and things we try to eat healthy are still engineered to taste better which makes them less healthy. But we are lazy and would rather pay less money for some frozen veggies then some organic foods that would be healthy for us. Personally my father dont let us eat things like lunch meat and processed foods, so very rarely do I eat processed food. Also last year, we started a garden so we started being healthy with that. The impact of these changes could help me in the long run become more healthy. When I get older, I will plan on eating foods that I know will keep me healthy, and do things to keep my body up. I only have one body and I plan to keep it healthy 


3/4 lb of penne pasta

1pt cherry tomatoes

1 small eggplant

1 cup of olive oil (in total)

a bunch of kale

1/4 walnuts

3 large cloves of garlic

1/3 cup of parmesan cheese

lemon juice




-cut the eggplant and the tomatoes into bite sized pieces

-combine eggplant, tomatoes, olive oil, salt, and pepper.

-roast in oven for 25 minutes flipping periodically

Pesto Sause

-combine the walnuts, garlic, parmesan cheese, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper

-put them in a blender and blend until smooth


-boil the penne pasta accordingly, 

-toss the pesto, the veggies and the pasta in a large bowl

-garnish with more parmesan cheese and chill if you would like. 


penne pasta

bag of walnuts

so about 20% of my dish is processed

Health/ nutrition:

the dish would probably have no more than 300 calories all together. Most of the dish contains veggies and protein. There is no sugar content unless the little bit that could be in the tomatoes. There is only a little bit of fat in this dish because of the eggplant. After eating this dish a person will feel energized. I would recommend this dish to someone who just finished working out, or someone who wants to fill up with out all the calories. There are no health issues that could come from this meal, unless you use too much salt or something like that. If a person ate this dish ate this dish everyday, they would have very clean bowels. Otherwise no health issues would arise from eating this 


My eggplants could have come from either Georgia, Florida, California, New Jersey, or New York. However I did purchase my eggplant from the farmers market so it could be local. The kale is from my grandmother which is in West Philadelphia, and so thats not very far. The tomatoes were purchased at the farmers market also so they could also be local. All my veggies were organically grown. My meal maybe could have traveled less than 100 miles to make it to my house. My pasta is processed and so is my walnuts, however I dont think those two items took too much of a toll on the environment. 


All together this meal cost me something around $60. The veggies are organic and from a farmers market, so they cost a bit more. However if you buy in bulk everything is a little cheaper. The trip to the fresh grocer for the things like the pasta, the olive oil the walnuts, garlic, cheese, and lemon juice, all cost me about $40. This compared to fast food is 1 to a million. The food is made with hardly any preservatives, and no artificial anything. None of my products are frozen. Farmers and the grocery stores made money from my meal. The farmers who grew my veggies get money from me purchasing from the farmers market, and the grocery store and the people who work there get the rest of the money. Factories for my pasta and my walnuts are used to make my dish. 


The lemon juice, came from the farmers market also. So the farmer growing it, picking it, dropping it off at the market, me purchasing it, and using it is more sufficient then me having to grow the tree and wait for the fruit to grow. I think time plays the biggest part in this. if I were to make this dish with lemons that i grew myself, I would have to make this dish months later. Instead I could pick some organic lemons up from the market and it would have the same impact. No harsh chemicals in my lemon juice, and no artificial lemon. However If i were to purchase a bottle of lemon juice, that would be harsh to the environment and it would have no nutritional value. The bottle would only contain about 80% real lemon juice where the other 20% would be just chemicals to make it taste better, and to make the shelf life longer. I would rather go to the farmers market. 

Food Project- Ethan Reese and Jamie Murphy

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Reese family chicken noodle soup recipe - 

1 whole onion sliced 

3 stalks of celery chopped

3/4 cups of carrots chopped

1 pound of Boneless skinless trimmed Chicken Thigh sliced

10 cups of water poured

2 large russet potatoes halved

2 Table Spoons of parsley poured

1/2 bag of Pennsylvania Dutch yolk free home style ribbon noodles poured

1/2 tea spoon of salt poured

1 teaspoon of pepper. poured

1 table spoon of oil

2 tons of love 

1 ton of caring



Lightly brown chicken thighs in vegetable oil... Add two stalks of celery and one onion quartered. Cover with water. Let simmer for one hour. Remove from heat. Place a strainer into a large pot and place cheesecloth in the bottom of the strainer. Pour contents of pot into the stainer. Remove chicken. Break chicken into small pieces- remove as much fat as possible. In a clean pot, add a small amount of oil ( just enough to coat the bottom of the pot) add 3 stalks of chopped celery, one chopped onion, and carrots.  Place a fresh piece of cheesecloth into a strainer and strain the broth again back into the pot to cover the simmering vegetables. Add the chicken, potatoes, additional water. When boiling- add noodles and parsley and cook for 7 min. Salt and pepper to taste



In this meal only about 10% is made up of processed food. The only ingredient that is not a whole food would be the noodles. The majority of the meal is made up of vegetables. This has all of the main necessities for nutrition since it contains protein (chicken), vegetables, and starches (potatoes/noodles). If you ate nothing but this soup everyday you would probably be fine. All of the ingredients in this recipe came from this country and no farther.  The veggies were not all organic, meaning that they were grown with fertilizers and pesticides. Although this doesn't really matter, and takes nothing awake from the meals nutrition value. This isn't an expensive meal to make, the highest priced ingredient would be the chicken. Ideally the majority of the ingredients could come from home by growing your own vegetables, although noodles are very hard to make from scratch and a chicken would be a lot to handle… Which is why we have convenient grocery stores to provide things like this. 


Ethan: My role in the larger food system is to balance the ecosystem by making sure to eat the things that reside lower in the food chain. As a human I am at the top of the food chain and my responsibility is to hunt and eat.  The biggest problems with our food system is that we over consume proteins and starches which leads to a unhealthy and unbalanced diet that causes diseases of the body due to dietary unhealthiness. We need to switch to eating more natural and energy efficient food such as vegetables and fruits.  I could cut sodas, sugars, caffeine, fast food, and other heavily processed and unhealthy food.  The impact of these changes would probably make my heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys healthier. I am not willing to make these changes. 

JamieThroughout this unit, I've learned a lot about different foods and their effects on our bodies. There were many things that I thought I already knew, but found out a lot more. From reading articles and watching videos such as Food Inc. and Super Size Me, I've found out more information than I had before this class. I think that one of the biggest problems with our food system is lack of knowledge and care. If more people cared about the foods they're putting in their bodies then we wouldn't have such high rates of obesity. I agree that our environment does have an effect on the food choice we make, but they are still "our choices". This was proven in a study with cafeteria food in a hospital. They regard their foods, and people made healthier food choices. So I think the problem lies within people themselves and how they choose to eat. Some changes that I could personally make would be to, cut down on snacks. Most of the snacks I eat are probably high in sugar. Although I typically eat healthy foods and well balanced meals, I know I also take in a lot of sugars as well. I would be willing to make some changes, I just don't really see that happening.

Chicken Parm

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4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves

salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
2 eggs
4 cups panko bread crumbs
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour, or more if needed
1 cup olive oil for frying
1/2 cup prepared tomato sauce
1/4 cup fresh mozzarella, cut into small cubes
1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
1/2 cup grated provolone cheese
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

  1. Preheat an oven to 450 degrees.
  2. Place chicken breasts between two sheets of heavy plastic (resealable freezer bags work well) on a solid, level surface. Firmly pound chicken with the smooth side of a meat mallet to a thickness of 1/2-inch. Season chicken thoroughly with salt and pepper.
  3. Beat eggs in a shallow bowl and set aside.
  4. Mix bread crumbs and 1/2 cup Parmesan in a separate bowl, set aside.
  5. Place flour in a sifter or strainer; sprinkle over chicken breasts, evenly coating both sides.
  6. Dip flour coated chicken breast in beaten eggs. Transfer breast to breadcrumb mixture, pressing the crumbs into both sides. Repeat for each breast. Set aside breaded chicken breasts for about 15 minutes.
  7. Heat 1 cup olive oil in a large skillet on medium-high heat until it begins to shimmer. Cook chicken until golden, about 2 minutes on each side. The chicken will finish cooking in the oven.
  8. Place chicken in a baking dish and top each breast with about 1/3 cup of tomato sauce. Layer each chicken breast with equal amounts of mozzarella cheese, fresh basil, and provolone cheese. Sprinkle 1 to 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese on top and drizzle with 1 tablespoon olive oil.
  9. Bake in the preheated oven until cheese is browned and bubbly, and chicken breasts are no longer pink in the center, 15 to 20 minutes. An instant-read thermometer inserted into the center should read at least 165 degrees.

While this isn’t the healthiest meal it could be worse. The frying would be the least healthy part of the process. The calories came out to a little over 700 which isn’t bad. Eating this and only this will result in a decrease in many things but one that sticks out is iron. This meal has little iron and would result in weaker bones. The amount of cards is only about 80 grams which would make a person have much less energy. Somebody who only ate this wouldn’t be able to do much. The food I would have used would not have been locally grown. The tomatoes came from California. So they didn’t travel too far but they did travel. The meal cost under 30 dollars which is more than fast food but also much better for you than fast food. Growing my own tomatoes would have made the cost go down as well as the reifications on the environment.

This unit has taught me a lot. The obesity part of the unit taught me the most. Like most Americans I assumed that obesity only lead to heart disease and diabetes.  To  find out it also causes stroke and depression was eye opening. The study where Australians were put onto the western diet and got many diseases, was the most revealing. It really showed how great out choice in food can affect us and those around us.

As a teenager I can actively choose what to it. A child is at the whim of what their parents want to eat. Now I can help decide what my family eats. I am able to make my family healthier by asking for better foods. This change would give my family more energy and help us to make better choices all around. My family has tried to make these changes. every time we do we all feel better until we slip again. This often happens after about two months. We all exercise and eat right but then a holiday roles around and we all slip back into old habits. It is easier for the youth of my house to make these changes as we all can play sports at our respective schools. My parents have a harder time but support us in our choices.

CodFish Salad

In this unit I've learned that most of the food isn't as healthy for us as we think it is. I personally see that the biggest problems with our food system is that the labeling on food doesn't provide everything that we need to know. The labels lack information for the people buying the food. Some changes that I would make to my food choices is being aware of the labeling on my food and reading what exactly is in my food. The impact of these changes would be changing my whole food system around. Yes, I am willing to make these changes. 

Cod Fish Salad Recipe 


1 Avocado

1 16.oz bag of boneless cod fish (buena ventura)

1 onion

1 tomato 

1/4 cup of corn oil


Take a medium sized pot and fill it half way with water.

Place the cod fish in the pot and leave it in until the water starts boiling.

Once the water is boiled drain the water from the pot.

Repeat this process two more times.

Once you have done this process three times start cutting the avocado, tomato, and onion into small cubes. 

After this process, rinse your hands and with your hands start breaking the cod fish into small pieces.

Finally, you can take a bowl and place everything in there and just mix it up. Don't forget to add the 1/4 cup of oil to add a final taste. 


The ingredients were originated in Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, South Asia, North America, and Canada. 

Everything I purchased came to a total of $10. This dish is meant to serve multiple people. 

Food Rules


Buffalo Chicken Dip by Octavius Collins

Buffalo Chicken Dip

I’ve been eating this dish since grade school and my mother would make it for the other parents on the track team, during the track meets, so it kind of brought back a memory. Since I got the recipe from my mother, and she normally doesn’t measure when she cooks, the serving sizes aren’t accurate. So I decided to use another recipe that I found online that provided the nutritional facts needed. The dip itself is healthy before a serving or 2. Based on the way that I eat, and the amount of serving sizes I eat at a time is what isn’t healthy about the dip.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1 serving (30 g)

Per Serving

% Daily Value*

Calories 50

Calories from Fat 27

Total Fat 3.0g


Saturated Fat 2.0g


Cholesterol 15mg


Sodium 360mg


Carbohydrates 2.0g


Sugars 1.0g

Protein 3.0g

Vitamin A 4% ·

Calcium 6% ·


(Talk about how you had to use a slightly different recipe for the nutritional facts + CITE)


-The meal is mainly all processed. The main processed ingredients would be the half of a pound of Tyson chicken breast that I used. The celery wasn’t organic either, so I would imagine that it was processed as well because chemicals were most likely added to help it grow.


- All together this meal is approximately $8 but can feed 8-10 people, at least. The prices can fluctuate based on the brand of product that you choose to use. This can build controversy amongst some vegan, and vegetarians dieters because of the chicken I used in the dip. Celery, I imagine, is perfect find in any family’s food group.


-The chicken from the product was produced and process at Tyson Farm Food Incorporation. The chickens aren’t treated as well as they should be. 

 (I used my mother’s recipe that she made up herself, so know serving sizes and amounts aren’t as accurate as it could be, but I found some sources that can be of assistances, and that are similar to the dish I prepared.


Ingredients: Recipe: 1 cups of chopped celery, 1/2 cup of blue cheese 1/2 cup of buffalo sauce, 1/2 lbs of chicken breast.

Heat the oven to approximately 350 degrees fahrenheit.  Cook, and chop the chicken breast, and spread the around in the baking bowl. Add/ pour the celery following, then pour in the blue cheese dressing, and buffalo sauce. Stir, and mix until chicken is an orange color then place into the oven and let the food bake for 20minutes. Monitor it may or may not take that long.

I choose to cook this dish because it’s not a big, but it’s one of my favorite appetizers to eat around family and friends. It’s not really symbolic not does it really have a history behind it besides the fact that my family has the same craving for it when the holidays come around as we impatiently wait for the food to finish being prepared.

I learned a lot this unit. I learned that most of our food problems are because of the government, and the way that they process, and domesticate their animals is a lot different onto our liking. We only knew what they decided to tell us, so after watching that movie about how some meat companies handle their food my views on meat have changed. I'm not sure what my role in the normal food system role is, but I do feel like our largest problem is that we don't sometimes know what we're eating. If I could, I'd choose to stop putting steroids in chickens in other meat. Making a change, I wouldn't stop eating meat today because it's been in my diet my whole life, and I need meat in my diet.

Shrimp Scampi by Jeffrey Schwartz

Shrimp Scampi:



1 1/2 pounds of medium sized, cleaned, deshelled, and deveined shrimp

2 1/2 table spoons of chopped garlic

1 and 1/2 boxes of wheat spaghetti

A couple large sprigs of parsley, chopped

half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of black pepper

One table spoon of lemon juice

1/4 cup olive oil

Grated parmesan 


Start to boil water in a deep pot and add salt to the water

Heat olive oil, parsley, and garlic in a medium size sauté pan

Add wheat pasta when water is boiling and bring to a boil again while stirring occasionally 

Add shrimp when chopped garlic is almost completely browned

Flip shrimp occasionally so both sides are golden brown and deep pink

Strain the spaghetti and then mix shrimp and the spaghetti back in to the deep pot and add pepper and parmesan cheese 

Serve to your friends or eat the entire pot by yourself if you have no friends. However, I assure you you will be beating off random people when the scent of golden garlic and tangy shrimp cascades from your kitchen. 



1. I'd say about 90% processed. In reality, the only thing that I actually produce myself is the parsley.

2. Nutritional info (total)-

Calories-1392(pasta)+600 in oil+130(shrimp)+200 from parmesan cheese+ a negligible amount in the remaining ingredients. 

Total calories-2322

Total fat- 81 grams (72 in olive oil)


fiber-40 grams

carbs- 296

Your body would not respond to this diet well even though it has pretty simple ingredients and a good nutritional makeup. Too much fat is not good for anyone, but at least it's a good fat from olive oil.

The food that has traveled the farthest is the pasta- all the way from Foggia Italy. 

Cost- about $1.75 a person

I'll compare the parsly I grew to dried parsly flakes for the social ramifications topic.

It's easy to grow the parsly. It just takes planting and watering, and it's basically good to go. All you need to do next is cut it up. To manufacture parsly, that same process if followed. After it is grown it has to be dried and put in a bottle, labeled, packaged, shipped, stocked, resold, and then eaten. A much longer process for some parsly.


I'm in the beginning stages of a food strike! I am starting to question everything that I eat but I still haven't actually changed my eating habits that much. 

The biggest problem in this food system that I know of is that nobody actually knows where their food comes from. They just see it appear in front of them and consume it. It makes it easy for anything to happen to your food along the way- as long as it looks good it's edible. 

I took a lot from Food inc. It really only needed a few seconds to make you think for days. Every time you pick up a piece of meat to eat you think, even for a split second, where that meat came from and you hesitate. You still eat it though. You went through the trouble of going to the store, buying it, preparing it for your family, and lifting it to your mouth, you're not about to turn around on all that work just because of a short video you saw. 

My role in the food system has changed. Instead of a consumer, I feel more like a mini producer. I make a few of my meals out of whole ingredients instead of microwave packages, but I still microwave almost everything 

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Advertising and Insecurity

There are many ways to make a person feel insecure. Probably the most prevalent method is through advertising. Ads are everywhere. Companies constantly seek opportunities to inject need in the brains of potential consumers, reminding them that they would be better off with that company’s products. “Your body is not as attractive as it could be.” “You’re not making as much money as you could be.” “You aren’t as happy as you could be.” These neuroses natural to humans are reinforced by the slogans and manipulative words commercials use to get under your skin and remind you that you are not perfect.

Why use insecurity in advertising?

The fundamental goal of advertising is to get you to buy or do something. That goal doesn’t need to achieved by creating a sense of insecurity. For example, in an advertisement from “Old Spice,” a mother follows around her son with his lady friend trying not to be seen. She sings a song about how he’s growing up so fast, how he’s being treated like a man and now thanks to Old Spice, he smells like a man. What this advertisement implies is that with Old Spice, women are not only attracted to you but also respect you.

Another example of an advertisement which does not attempt to make the viewer feel insecurity about his or her self is one by the U.S. Navy. In this commercial, they inform the viewer of how powerful the “call to serve” is and how it is a force of good in this world. It inspires one to join the Navy to become a better person. It does not use techniques such as the archetypal before-and-after comparison advertisements to badger the audience for not being good.

This method of before-and-after comparison is most common to insecurity-based advertisements. Why use insecurity in advertising? Well, the answer is that it’s very easy to instill self-doubt in the viewer.

It’s easier to destroy than to create.

Advertisements which deliberately attempt to make the viewer insecure are much more common than those which use different techniques (such as the aforementioned Old Spice and Navy commercials). This is because it is easier to make someone feel bad rather than good.

For example, in a short article by Mark VandeWettering, he explains how a beautiful  monument made of paper cranes dedicated to a girl who died of leukemia was easily burned down by some “yutz.” Making something is hard work, and destroying it is easy.

A survey conducted by the University of Central Florida revealed that 95% of male college students had some sort of dissatisfaction with their body, some claiming advertisements they saw a more ideal body image which made them consider their own stature.

Advertisements such as those by Axe are directed at males’ view of their sex appeal. In one of their commercials, two men and a woman are in an alley. One man looks very handsome on a motorcycle and is obviously the woman’s boyfriend, and the other man is homeless searching through a shopping cart. He sees the woman walking towards the first man and applies Axe deodorant. The woman smells, and approaches him, and sniffs him all over. She eventually returns to her boyfriend and winks at the homeless man. This advertisement is an example of those which cause people to be insecure about their body image.

A 2008 study conducted by Dove Self-Esteem Fund showed that 62% of girls aged eight to eighteen felt dissatisfied with themselves, and 71% of those girls felt that way because they believed that they were not as pretty as they should be.

However, probably the most notorious in the field of insecurity-inducing-advertisements is before-and-after cosmetics commercials. These types of ads show a female looking wrinkled, dirty, and unappealing in one frame labeled “before.” In the next, labeled “after,” is her looking attractive without any sort of blemish. This type of advertisement has caused females to feel insecurity about their own body image and purchase more in the hope of being pretty.

Defense against the “dark arts.”

Since people will not stop making advertisements that make others feel insecure, it’s important to have a self-defense against those. An article by lifehacker.com demonstrates several methods you can use as a consumer to remain unaffected by marketers’ schemes. “Don’t forget to think” is the first method: there are people everywhere who want to make money off you. Consider your purchases and if what was portrayed in the commercial will actually play out for you. The second method is “be wary of your emotional responses.”  Remember that advertisers are out to get you and have developed devious, subtle tricks to get under your skin. Just notice if you feel affected by an advertisement. The third method is “watch out for products indirectly targeted at you.” Even if you think the ad isn’t aimed at you, it can still affect you. Like in the example given on the website cited, an ad targeting dogs based of off human tendencies can still affect you. The fourth and final method is simplest: avoid advertisements altogether. If you often watch television this proves a bit difficult, but just take a short break whenever the ads come on. Pay no mind to billboards in public, and use Adblock when online. You are free of the insecurities induced by corporate giants.

Works cited:


Jessica Maiorano and Goldie Robins

Food Item:

Pasta Salad




1 lb. (pound)

Pasta (By preference)

1 Stalk



Red Onion

8 oz 

Grape Tomatoes

12 oz 

Roasted Peppers

As much as you would like

Sharp Provolone (Recommended, but not needed) 


What you will need:

All the ingredients

1 Big sized pot

1 Medium sized pot

1 Big Bowl



1. Gather all the ingredients and have them out. 

2. Boil two pots of water. One big pot for the pasta and one medium pot for the broccoli. 

3. When the big pot comes to a boil put the pasta in and continue to stir occasionally.

4. When the medium pot comes to a boil put the broccoli in and continue to stir occasionally.

5. While the water is boiling cut the tomatoes, cheese and roasted peppers into bite sized pieces. 

6. When all the ingredients are cut put them into a big bowl. 

7. Chop up the whole red onion and a little bit of garlic and add them to the bowl. 

8. Once all the ingredients are cooked and cut stir them all together into the bowl.

9. Add oil and vinegar salt and pepper to the mix. The amount is up to you. 

10. Then enjoy! :)



The ingredients in the pasta salad were all bought from the grocery store. All of the items were technically processed, yet still healthy. All the vegetables we bought, which meant they were processed because of everything they went through to get to the store, but it is still healthy. The cheese and pasta although not bad for you were processed. There are a lot of carbohydrates in pasta, which is okay on occasion but not excessively. Eating pasta everyday is not healthy or good for you. The pasta salad itself would not be healthy eating everyday because of the excessive amount of pasta and ingredients like olive oil. Yet, some of the ingredients that are in the pasta salad are okay. Broccoli, depending on how it is made on how it is prepared is fine eating everyday. Though roasted peppers, grape tomatoes, onions, and cheese are really tasty and okay to eat in moderation, these are items that should not be consumed on a daily basis. Cheese is very high in calories, so it would not be a good modification to one’s diet. All of the food was was made and processed in the United States. None of the products are made out side of the country, which means that none of the food was imported. None of our food items were grown organically. Because all of the food is processed there are fuels that take part in the getting to the store, which tends to make it not environmentally friendly. Buying all the products came to a total of $20.00. With serving about 10 people, makes the cost per person about $2.00. This is a lot cheaper then fast food and it happens to be a lot healthier. (Still can’t eat it everyday) No items were grown ourselves, all were purchased at the store. So although it is not that environmentally friendly or healthy it still better than most foods.  

Reflection: During this unit I learned a lot about the different meats and how they were made. I did not know how the chicken were fed or how they were taken care of on the farms. I am a vegetarian but if ate meat I think that I would have stopped after we watched the Food Inc movie. I think my role in the food system is important because I am one of the few people who are not eating any of the meat that was processed by these careless owners. More and more people are trying to eat healthier and becoming a vegetarian is a start. What I see the biggest issue that the food system is currently facing is the lack of money. In the videos and articles that we watched they fed the chickens and other animals corn because it is cheap. Also they gave them hormones because they will grow faster and they can sell more then they would without the hormones. Overall this was a unit that a lot of people were interested in. I had to chance to see how my traditional diet was different from others in the class and to see how our food is really made. 

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Helen and Sarah Charlotte Food Project


-Two garlic cloves
-Five medium sized tomatoes on the vine
-Dried Italian seasoning
-Olive oil
-Whole Wheat pasta
-Dice the garlic cloves small.
-Heat olive oil in a small pot over medium heat, put in garlic.
-Add dried Italian seasoning to pot with oil and garlic.
-Cut tomatoes off vine, cut skin off of tomatoes.
-Place a sieve over a separate bowl, place tomatoes in sieve. Grab a spoon and sieve until all of the juice is out.
-Repeat until desired tomato consistency (I did it twice overall) 
-Add tomato puree from sieve and tomato juice from bowl into the pot with the oil and garlic. At this point add salt or pepper. (I used a pinch of each)
-Add one ladle of water into pot.
-Simmer on med-low for 1-2 hours  
-While gravy is simmering, in a separate pot put in water and a dash of salt, let it come to a boil
-Add whole wheat pasta into pot with boiling water
-When paste is done cooking, drain, then add gravy to pasta and serve warm!



Most of the ingredients we used were mostly whole, fresh foods. The biggest difference was the 100% whole wheat pasta, it contained nothing in the ingredients box other than whole wheat. We changed canned tomatoes to fresh tomatoes and used fresh garlic as well. We also used other natural ingredients such as olive oil and water. Although we used mostly healthy ingredients, I wouldn’t recommend it to eat every day. This is because it still leaves out many food groups. For example, there isn’t any kind of meat or a lot of protein. This means that if you ate it every day, you wouldn’t get all the nutrition that you need. As for calories, the thing that would probably add the most to that count would be the pasta. 

The tomatoes we used most likely came from California because they are the top tomato producing state. This leaves them a fairly far distance to travel. Other ingredients we used probably didn’t come as far. 

Our meal didn’t cost too much to make. We spent less than $20.16 overall not including some items from our homes. The people who probably earned money from our meal would be the farmers that grew the tomatoes, the garlic, the people who made the seasoning, and also Shop Rite, since that is where we bought the food. Most of the food did not come from small companies considering we went to a chain supermarket.

These food items came from all over, the tomatoes were shipped from Jersey to here, The garlic was grown in PA, the Pasta was made in New York, and the Olive oil was manufactured in NY but it says it's Italian. If we grew the tomatoes at home we would have less pesticides (even though they say they don't have any) and they wouldn't have to come from Jersey. If we made the 100% whole wheat pasta at home we would probably mess up, homemade pasta is difficult to make let alone making it with just whole wheat.  


Sarah Charlotte- 

Many things that I learned this unit had to do with some things I already knew, however, I learned about them more in depth during this unit. I found this really interesting. There are a few things (such as some of the things we saw in videos) that cannot be unseen, and that might make some of the food I eat seem slightly less appetizing. For example, the meat industry needs to be changed and I might not look at corn the same way ever again. 

I think that we each have big roles in the food system. I think the main role we have is choosing what we eat, where we get the food from, and who we pay for our food. The companies that make the most money are going to be the ones that stay out there. Like McDonalds. If they don't treat their chickens or cows right and we still buy from them, that won't be stopping anything because we are still giving them our money so they don't see the need to change anything. I think that one of the first things we need to change (besides where we give our money to) is to stop using corn in everything. An easy change to step towards that would be to stop feeding cows and other animals that we raise for meat corn and give them what they are supposed to eat (like grass for cows). 

There are a few things that I can change in my food choices. One of these things would be to change out my regular pasta for whole wheat pasta, buy organic foods, and to overall eat healthier. I don't know if I can actually easily do this, but I am willing to try. 


I have honestly learned so much in this unit, obviously I knew that not organic food was worse for you because of the pesticides and growth hormones they inject it with, but I had no idea how bad. In this unit we watched a documentary of this women who worked in a chicken farm, she showed us illegal footage of how the undocumented workers treat the animals. Another thing that ties into not treating animals right is how ecoli spreads in large factories, and could also lead to consumer death. Another thing we did in class was learning about the western diet. The western diet is super bad, not only because of weight gain but because of all of the chemicals to "preserve" or "enhance" flavor. Overall I've realized you should make your own food from scratch.

Basically this unit has widened my eyes to the terrible truth, before this all I knew was organic is better... now I know why. From now on I am going to try to only by organic fruit, meat, and dairy. Although it is going to be super tough, seeing what those animals went through and what I am putting in my own body, I would rather sacrifice a couple of bucks than my health. 

Food Slides:

Helen- cake

Sarah Charlotte- plate

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Food Project

Sweet Potato Cupcake



1 1/2 cups Sweet potatoes

1 3/4 cups sugar 

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

3 eggs

1/2  teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 tablespoon baking powder

1 cup vegetable oil 

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon vanilla

3/4 cups warm water


For icing:

8 ounces cream cheese 

5 cups of confictionate sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 teaspoon salt (optional)

1/4 cup shortening

1/2 stick butter

1/2 cup milk



-Pre heat oven to 325 degrees 

-In a large mixing bowl whisk together flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt.

-Set the mixture aside.

-In a separate large bowl, mash sweet potatoes, until it forms a light texture.

-Pour in eggs into sweet potato bowl and whisk together.

-Then in that same bowl whisk in warm water, sugar, oil, and vanilla. 

-When all is mixed stir dry ingredients from the the first bowl.

-Mix everything  with electric mixer and then mix by hand.

-Scoop out cake mix and pour into cupcake holders.

-Place cupcakes in oven and let bake for 25mins or until fully cooked.

-take out when done.


Direction for icing:

-Mix shortening and butter in large bowl until creamy

-Add cream cheese and stir at medium speed

-Gradually add in sugar while speeding up mixer

-When mixture thickens, low down speed and add milk gradually

-Once mixture loosens add more sugar

-Pour in vanilla, taste test and add salt if necessary

-Repeat addition of sugar until all the sugar is gone and mixture is smooth and creamy

- Scoop icing into piping bag and ice cupcake when cool



This recipe is used to make about 24 cupcakes so it was double to get a total amount of 50 cupcakes. Each cupcake is about 260 calories with icing and 190 calories without. Whole foods in this recipe include sweet potatoes, water, eggs, and ground cinnamon. Processed foods are salt, sugar, vanilla , baking powder, flour, and oil. This food is a dessert and in being a dessert it is in fact sweet. It has a high count in sugar and saturated fat which can led to weight gain, diabetes, high blood sugar, acne, and high blood pressure, if eaten excessively. All of the processed foods come from all over the country and are sold in local markets. The whole foods like sweet potatoes and eggs are grown in state and come from gardens and farms. Each whole product cost $4.00 or less and since we only used a fraction of each product the cupcakes cost about $.30 each to make. Compared to fast food like bakeries that charge any where from $2.00 to $10.00 per cupcake you save a lot of money. The sweet potatoes where purchased from Produce Junction and all of the fruits and veggies they sell are always fresh and come straight from the farm. If I myself were to grow the potatoes, it would take a month of more for them to become ripe. Compared to buying them at the market it's more convenient to purchase them there then it would be to plant them for myself. Also with sugar it would be easier to buy sugar at the market then it would be to grow sugar cane and create it to its form that we use for cooking. Overall most foods we eat are not grown in state some not even in the country. Although it is healthier and energy efficient to make everything ourselves, its more convenient for people to buy something to purchase and eat within 15 mins which makes Americans fat and lazy.

Personal Analysis:

This unit I learned about the impact of food and the effect it has on society. Not just food that is considered healthy but food that is fresh and or organic. Less processed food is better because they have the freshest ingredients in them. The food I eat today is weird because its made of things that come from other things that are not directly from the source. In this unit  we learned about the Western diet, which consists of sugary desserts, meats, and salty snack, thinking about this I realized this is apart of my daily diet.Before this unit I didn't really pay attention to "if this food is good for me?" but after this unit I learned about our food system today I realized that most of the food I eat is not healthy for me at all. I think it would be smart for people to start reading the labels they put on food and pay attention to calories because if you over eat the amount of calories you burn you gain weight and build fat in your body. I realized that if you treat your body better you start to feel better.


Our food system today has many problems. Fast food is continuously growing, when it is particularly the reason why America is so fat. Fast food is cheap, fats and resourceful , while Organic more natural food is more expensive, time consuming, and expires faster. To change my own food choices I could be smarter to eat a piece of fruit instead of Mc Donalds fries. And remember not to eat desserts when you are stressed. I would be willing to make these changes because I know it I keep this up it will effect my health in the future.

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Screen Shot 2014-01-14 at 10.02.48 AM

Arroz Con Leche

Arroz Con Leche Food Slide:

I chose this rule as a rule for my benchmark because any type of food that is pretending to be something else is not as healthy for you as the real food. I figure that if you’re going to drink juice that is flavored to taste like orange juice, you may as well drink real orange juice because it is much better for your health. Arroz con leche is exactly what it sounds like, the translation is rice with milk and all of the essential ingredients for my recipe are either rice, different types of milk, water, or flavoring (raisins and cinnamon.).

Arroz con Leche Recipe


7 cups of water

2 cup of long white grain rice

2 cinnamon sticks

1 can of evaporated milk

1 can of condensed milk

1 cup of organic whole milk

1 cup of golden raisins

ground cinnamon


1. first bring the water to a steady boil.

2. slowly pour in all of the rice and begin to stir.

3. put the cinnamon stick in with the rice

4. cook rice for 18 minutes.

5. strain out almost all of the water and take out the cinnamon stick

6. put rice in a saucepan making sure it's still a little wet and stir in condensed, organic whole,  and evaporated milk.

7. cook until mixture comes to a boil, stir constantly. (It burns easily if you do not stir).

8. lower the heat a lot and stir constantly for about 20 minutes.

9. add raisins and dust with cinnamon.


Processed foods:

Condensed milk

Evaporated milk (Although it is not very processed surprisingly)

Non Processed:

Cinnamon sticks

cinnamon powder

Golden raisins

Organic Whole Milk

White Rice



The calorie breakdown for this Mexican dessert is approximately 60% carbs, 15% protein, and 25% fat. This meal is clearly not the healthiest, and like most Mexican foods it is packed with a lot of calories and is meant to fill you up. A half cup of arroz con leche is approximately 200 calories. This food originated in Mexico as a simple and delicious dessert that tastes a lot like the American rice pudding, which actually originated from arroz con leche. Arroz con leche thought not the healthiest food, is not particularly unhealthy. Almost all of the ingredients I used were unprocessed, and it does not contain more than the average amount of sugar that desserts tend to have in them.


A lot of rice is grown in Mexico, and Mexicans tend to use a lot of dairy in their food so it is not unlikely that when it is made there, the ingredients are local and generally fresh. The miles that my food has traveled from many different places in the world is hard to calculate, but from my research I can see that it could have traveled more than I have in my lifetime! Rice is grown in many countries such as China, India, Australia, etc. but it is also grown in seven states in America, so there is a good chance that it came from Arkansas, California, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, or Florida. One interesting thing that I did not know about cinnamon is that it is a tree with leaves! Sri Lanka actually produces 80-90% of cinnamon or C Verum which is the name of the tree. There are twelve species of cinnamon, and another fun fact is that it is the bark of the tree! The condensed milk that I used came from Mexico, and the evaporated milk was most likely made in the U.S.


This meal cost approximately 20$ to make, but that being said, not all of the ingredients that have to be bought to make the meal get used up in one round. There will be a lot of leftover ingredients that can be used again such as cinnamon, raisins, and whole milk.  the only thing that would have to be bought to make more would be condensed and evaporated milk. The countries that made money off of my meal are America, Sri Lanka, and China (as explained in the previous paragraph). Compared to fast food, arroz con leche is way healthier. This is because most fast food places not only sell food that isn’t good for you, they also sell food that is generally very bad for you. Arroz con leche is a food that does not contain many health benefits, but it is also not bad for your health because it is fairly unprocessed (and it tastes much better than fast food.).


Most of my food items were purchased in China, Brazil, India, Sri Lanka, America, or Thailand. It is hard to trace exactly what country the different ingredients  came from because many countries produce and sell the same products. Americans make money from redistributing foods, but so does the country that originally sold the ingredient because America (and likely other countries) buy the ingredients they need from the producing countries. Making condensed or evaporated milk without processing is almost impossible, and growing rice at home doesn't really change nutritional values. Arroz con leche being a food without too many health benefits would not change drastically if made from all natural ingredients because it would still be produced with essentially the same amount of nutrients.


During this unit I have learned the importance of nutrition, and the lack of it in the American food system. One of the things that I think could be the biggest problem in the food system is the fact that corn and soybeans make up for the majority of the food system. Many foods are disguised as other foods but really, a lot of them are made out of corn and soybeans. This is bad because it means that we aren't receiving the wide range of nutrients we need to be healthy.

Another thing that I learned in this unit is that sugar is the most expensive in the US because we buy sugar in other countries, and there is a limit on how much sugar can be imported into the US. I also didn't know that America basically feeds farmers to overproduce the following food items: corn, soy, wheat, rice, beer, milk, beef, peanut butter, and sunflower oil.

Michael Pollan’s article on food rules and their importance really opened my eyes up to the simplicity of eating better. Though it is often tempting to consume and get ahold of things that are cheaply made and without health benefits, it is not much harder to go out and find food that is much healthier and just as yummy. I’d like to think that through this benchmark I have learned to be more conscious of what I eat and what it really is that I am eating.

The last and most interesting thing I learned was that in order to have a successful food system, we need to eat less meat. This is because if we eat too much meat, the animals we're eating need more greens, and then the price of food increases and the cycle ruins itself.

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Screen Shot 2014-01-28 at 5.57.24 PM

Maleena's Food Project

Stir Fried Beef and Vegetable 

“It’s not that bad to have a little meat and vegetables together”


Stir Fried Beef and Vegetables 

(Can feed 8-10 people) 

- 1 Table spoon of Olive Oil 

- 1 Table spoon of chop garlic 

- 1 lb of beef 

- Salt and Pepper 

- 2 table spoon of Chicken soup base 

- 2 table spoon of light sou sauce

- 2 table spoon of sugar (just in case its a little bit salty)

- 2 table spoon of Houstin Souce 

- 1 Ib of Broccoli 

- 1 lb of String beans 

- Ib of Celery

- Ib of Green peppers or Red peppers

Any other vegetables of your choice


Break the garlic peel it , and slice them , then grind them to little pieces. 

Chop the Broccoli in half  

Chop the String beans slanted in the middle  

Chop the Celery quarter size (bite sizes) 

When chopping the green peppers and red peppers, you chop off the parts you don't eat. After chopping the parts you don't eat then you cut each peppers into four. When you cut each peppers into fours then you take each slices and cut it into bite sizes. 

When chopping the meat , you cut them into bite size  

The Cooking:

Put the Flat non-stick pan over medium heat on the stove, wait until the pan gets a little hot. Then you add 1 table spoon of Olive Oil. Add the chopped garlic at the same time you put the garlic.

As you put the garlic in, you stir it until you  the garlic has a brown color. 

While the garlic is still in the pan, you then put the ingredients in. 

Salt and Pepper 

Add 2 table spoon of Chicken soup base

Then add 2 table spoon of light sou sauce

after that then you add 2 table spoon of sugar (just in case its a little bit salty)

last you add  2 table spoon of Houstin Souce 

   While all the ingredients are in the pan you than mixed them together. Let it set for 1 min. When waiting you can clean the meat after you are done cleaning the meat you than put it into the pan together with the other stuff. When the meat are in the pan you than stir everything together. Since the meat is beef it would only take about 5 min to cook. Let it sit there. As you are waiting for the meat to cook you start to clean all of your vegetables and set them out till it is ready to be put in with the meat. After you see that the meat is close to finish you put in all the vegetables in with the meat into the pan. While you are cooking it together you would want to cook the vegetables nice and soft. So you stir it for 15-20 mins. After 15-20 mins your meal is cooked and its ready to be served. 


The Tradition: 

  This meal is like a tradition to my family. A lot of asian cultures are well known to this meal. It is very popular but made in so many different ways. Some people use different ingredients and put different amounts  But these are the ingredients that my grandma use and how she thought me to make it. The ingredients that i learned i believe was passed from my grandmothers mother. We really don’t know the history of it but all we know is that it is traditional made the way it is. Since a lot of Asian culture make this food made in so many different ways. Many different kind of ingredients and many different types of meat and etc. 

 Cost of Vegetables 

- 1 Ib of Broccoli $2.00

- 1 Ib of String beans $2.00

- Ib of Celery $1.99

  • Ib of Green peppers or Red peppers $4.00 

(The rest of the ingredients i already had them at home.) 

Personal Reflection:

  Threw out this course i have learned a lot about the different types of ways of healthy eating. Before doing this project i used to eat every min. I really didn’t care how i was eating until this course. It started to make me think about my health a lot. Not only that i have gained so much weight during birth and after birth because of the way i eat. After this course i start to think about everything. Now that i am on a diet it is really difficult to lose the weight because after the birth i was in a habit of eating the same amount of food during my pregnancy nine month ago. I believe after my pregnancy if i was on a diet than i believe i would be at the shape and size i want to be. But doing this benchmarks have thought me a lot about what can happen when you become obese and etc. Ever since i learned about that i thought about the ways of how i was eating and thinking about it i can really get there and be that size. So now that i am on a diet i would watch what i eat , the amount of what i eat, and the kinds of stuff i eat. Now i believe i am on the right track and my eating habits are slowing down. I can say that this course has thought me a lot and showed me a lot of what can happen if i eat the way i eat.  

Media Fluency

Copy of Billboard
While I could not find another high resolution picture that I liked I did make some small changes to the slide but nothing major. I changed the color of my text and made it slightly larger and I pushed it farther into the corner. I think Ms. Hull set us up for failure by throwing us into the project without prior research, knowledge, and preparation.