Karly & Kristi's Business Project

Living within an economic crisis, leaves people with a lot to endure. The consequences are awful, as both the Great Depression and the Great Recession caused a crash in the stock market. Many Jobs were laid off as a result, particularly the primary and successful companies within the US. The economy was not only affected within the US but also globally. Without economic improvement, the US would simply not have been strong enough in the world. The poverty needed to be reduced, higher education needed to be pursued and health care needed improvement as well. Reflection of the past is greatly vital especially now that the economy is better off than it was when Roosevelt and Hoover were in the picture. President Barack Obama is now in their footsteps and his outlook seems to be quite similar to Roosevelt’s. The Great recession only occurred because attempts of help failed, regarding the Great Depression. This suggests that mistakes are being repeated to cause another economic crisis after the Great Depression; the Great Recession.

The history within the struggle that people lived through, is represented in this comic to enlighten people who may be younger than a teenager. The depths within the history of the United States are shown in this comic. World War I was greatly responsible for all of the occurrences that are displayed figuratively and literally.

In the introduction page, there are two boxes; one representing the Great Depression and another representing the Great Recession. There are also two clouds representing the two presidents. The sole reason why Roosevelt and Hoover are two clouds is because both are from the past, intended to look eerie and cloudy since they are no longer current. The comic is set up so that one can differentiate between each cloud and box because one will always be greater than the other. For instance, The Great Depression was greater than the Great Recession, therefore it is a rectangle withholding greater volume than the Great Recession’s cartoon representative. Furthermore, as Hoover was greater in size than Roosevelt, one can assume that their ghosts would reflect this size difference. That is how the two cloud cartoons are set up to be differentiated. Overall, this cartoon is meant to entertain and inform a young audience about all the factors that play into the Great Depression and the Great recession.

Annotated Bibliography:

Our comic down below


The Greatest of The Greats

Project by Jordan Hairston and Merrick Saunders 

This project was created to compare and contrast the programs that would help America recover after we suffered from economic recessions. The project compares The New Deal (created by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Congress) and Obama's Plan (created by Obama and Congress.) This project will reveal information on both topics and help to come to a better understanding on how our Nation was able to stand tall once more after we have fallen. 

Link To Our Website: http://www.greatestofthegreats.weebly.com

Link To Our Annotated Bibliography: 

Business Project (Great Depression and Great Recession)

​Goldie Robins and Antonio Reveron

Click Here! :) 

We created a website, because we felt that this would be the best way to express everything we wanted to express and really give as much information as possible. We included everything between the start of the New Deal and when President Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to the stimulus package from President Barrack Obama. We really talk about the new and old stuff and compare and contrast it. Some are very similar, yet very different at the same time. I hope you enjoy our website! Lots of fun went into making it. :) 

Great Depression Vs. Great Recession

​For this mini project my partner Franklin and I decided to create a small podcast where we discuss the causes of the great depression and make comparisons with the recent great recession. We tied in the information we've been learning in class during the past few weeks and we created an easy to follow along conversation in the form of a radio talk show podcast. After we compare the two economic downturns we use sources and statistics to predict what we think will be the outcome of the great recession.

Link to the podcast

Link to our annotated bibliography:

Great Depression and Great Recession Project

For this project, our assignment was to research the Great Depression and Great Recession. We then had to summarize the causes of each, and learn what the Government did to attempt to fix each. We then compared the Great Depression and Great Recession, and used our knowledge of the Great Depression, to predict whether or not the response to the Great Recession will be successful. We then had to create a unique project to present all of this information. Click here to for a link to our annotated bibliography.

Project made by: Seamus Kirby and Brandon Hall
Business Project

"Striving for Education" by Emalyn Bartholomew

​It's easy to get caught up in what people deem as the "social norm", especially when defying it would ostracize you even more. Listen as my mom, Stacy Bartholomew, talks about her experience with overcoming boundaries in education set in both societal ways, and familial ones. 
Crossing boundaries set by society come with a completely different set of repercussions than those set by family. When you have to take on both headfirst, it's a daunting task to say the least. Talking to my mom was interesting, especially learning stories and aspects of her life that have never been brought up before. As I look at my own life, especially as it leads closer to college, I see the differences in how she was raised, but also many similarities in our mindsets. 

The hardest part of this project for me was not the actual interview, which came naturally and flowed well as a conversation between my mom and I. It was, however, figuring out which stories and aspects to cut out of the podcast, while choosing the most beneficial ones to stay in. I set out with over 45 minutes of raw material, and sifting my way through that was difficult. However, it made me realize which parts of her story were more focused on the point, and which parts most reflected her story. 

God's great test

This story is about my mother Dawn Lewandowski getting pregnant at a really young age and how she lived the rest of her life after her situation as a child started with children.

You will need to know that many situations happen with this story and my mother was not apart of the reasons why my sisters had the problems that they did.

You will also see that I set a boundary for myself to cross and you will understand why after listening to the full pod cost.
final Q3 BENCHMARK- _Crossing Boundaries_ podcast 1

   Crossing boundaries can be both physical and mental and happens in many cases. When one crosses a boundary they can do it with or without the knowledge of them actually doing it. In this case my mother actually crossed two boundaries as you know. One being the boundary of comfort and the boundary of responsibility. In the case of my mother crossing her boundaries made a plus, even if some negative things happened without the situation. When one crosses a boundary it can set both cost and benefits it just determines on what the boundary is.  While I was doing this project I learned many things I didn't know about my mother and sisters. I honestly would not do nothing different then what I did maybe interview my sister Tiffany. Tiffany is the middle child with her son is the care of someone else. The only reason why I did not interview her is because the whole story is very emotional and with the problems she was diagnosed with she would make the story more sad then it is and its hard for her to talk about that story because it's a huge part of her life. I believe that my peers were right, I took great time and I believe that my overall topic was very interesting and even though teen pregnancy story's are common today the added information with the lies and my sisters conditions make it better.

"A Third Culture Kid" by Leah Kelly

Returning to your home country can be hard after living your entire life time overseas, especially when you don't think that you belong in either country. Listen to my mom, Shareen Kelly, talk about her life growing up in boarding school and coming to America for college from Africa. Also, listen to her reflection on being what society calls a "third culture kid".
In my mom's case, she has been crossing a boundary her whole life, which leads her to having felt like an outsider. When she was in Africa, she felt left out and misunderstood because she was white and that was not her native country. However, when she came to America for college, she felt like a foreigner as well because she was used to the Nigerian culture that she had grown up around. In her opinion, this was the reason behind some of her really deep friendships with other missionary kids-- they knew what she had experienced and they had experienced the same thing. Also, growing up without her parents made her value the little things that she could spend time doing with me and my brothers as we grew up.

The actual recording of this interview was easy-- my mom is a great conversationalist and gave me thorough answers, lots of backstory, and interesting tidbits that made the story feel more personal for me and I'm sure for the listeners. Also, she was not afraid to talk about how she really felt when she came to America, which is something that is very personal for her and something that I was glad that she was able to share so eloquently.

This was a really fun project to do. Not only did it help me get to know my mom better, but it also strengthened my interviewing and editing skills. Since I had to cut a lot out of the interview, it made me realize the details that are necessary to a story and helped  me figure out with ones could be cut away so that I am left with  just the raw story. Also, thankfully, I did not have many technical errors when using Garage Band, which was great.

The New Deal: Sean and Kyler


Our project is in the form of a comic in which the Obama's "Big Deal" is presented as The New Deal. So the reader can understand how the New Deal is very much like Obama's focus on healthcare, work inequalities, and financial reforms.

The idea behind the comic inspired by an article about how Obama's "Big Deal" and new stimulus package, and attempts to turn around the Great Recession are like the FDR's New Deal. And how these points of great reform and economic depression are similar
Photo on 3-8-13 at 10.26 AM
Photo on 3-8-13 at 10.26 AM
Photo on 3-8-13 at 10.25 AM
Photo on 3-8-13 at 10.25 AM

International Educator- Julian Makarechi

Julie Castagnet left everything behind just to teach children. She had to deal with not being with her family for her whole career. This young French woman took the chance to move to the US to find a job as an educator, but with doing so she had to separate herself form her home country and family. 

PLEASE NOTE: 9 minutes and 9 seconds into the podcast this question should be added: "Did you try to look for jobs to help with money, besides being an educator?". 

Julian Makarechi- Interview- Q3 BM

This is a story of a French teacher that decided to work abroad, in the US. There were some good things and bad things that occurred but she never stopped loving what she did. Not only was she the only person in her family to be come a language teacher but also the first to move to the United Sates.

If one wants cross boundaries they have to be willing to be brave, give it all they have and make sacrifices. It also comes with a lot of self motivation; to make a change one must feel very strong and confident about their goal. Crossing boundaries takes time and usually it is hard to do it on your own; one should accept help from others.

This was my first time using Audacity so I had problems editing things. I would recommend to use Garageband to avoid such confusion. I did not quite understand the way it was set up and wished things were more clear. 

Throughout this project I learned how make a podcast. The examples that were given to us in class were very helpful. Before this was assigned to me, I did now know all they key elements to make a well rounded interview. I used what I learned for my final project;  an intro, deep question, a conclusion and a reflection. The interviews we listened to gave me great ideas for how ask questions that will get the speaker to go into depth about the topic. 

I definitely feel that my strengths of this project was how the story was told and how it effected Julie’s life. I was able to get her to tell me things that I did not even know, and that ended up helping me to get more information on how exactly she crossed boundaries. Almost none of my questions made her have a one or two word answer, which was good. Another thing that made this project good was how we were both able to relate and have a great conversation about the topic. One thing that I do not believe that I did well on was my editing. 

A Blessing Within A Tragedy

A young man (Jospeh Wactor-Brown:My Uncle) in his late teens was diagnosed he has kidney failure. This podccast talks about the struggles he faced with dialysis, work, school, family etc. He talks about his life after and before his kidney transplant. Also my mother (jamila medley) was interviewed about the boundies crossed during this time for her brother. Bounderies such as her thinking about donating her kidney, her first teenage boyfriend dying and becoming the doner. In the end of the pod cast you will discover the Blessing within the tragedy.
A blessing within a tragedy

Business Unit Project/New Deal Website

Jalen Smith and Sarybel Melendez
The website that we've created describes exactly what had happened during the time of the New Deal And the Great Depression. This website supplies you with useful information about these events and also it supplies you with useful videos which gives you all a visual as to what happened during this time. We hope that you all will enjoy it and we hope that we have supplied you all with enough information to understand exactly what went on during that time. Thank you and enjoy.

Website Address

Crossing Gender Boundaries by Jenny Cruz

​In life everyone wants to feel comfortable in the skin that they're in but sometimes it's not all about your complexion or race but gender. Through making this podcast one can learn that there are many boundaries even gender can get in the way but it's what you make of it and how you choose to portray yourself. There are a lot of sap stories out there but most are kleshay though still against societies norm. I believe boundaries are merely restrictions disabling us to speak or act the way we want to. 

"RISE" By Reginald Simmons

My sister's name is Courtney Simmons. She's the first of our family to go to college -- certainly a high achievement. Along the way, we've both faced a lot of heavy stuff, stuff that has made the future look very grim, but she's finally made it. I'm very proud of her, and I hope you'll enjoy this short story. 

My sister is doing something that no one in our family has done before. For a while now she's had pretty solid plans about what she wants to do after high school. It really feels good for me knowing that she'll really be able to do them. There have been a few hardships that we've had to deal with, but now, things look pretty good. Success in the things we do has always been something greatly emphasized throughout both our lives. Surprisingly, the actual process of editing the video was very fun. It was cool to work with the computer program and make something that sounded nice. Nice to me, anyway. I did have to go through a few different programs though. Still enjoyable. But the absolute most enjoyable part of the project was talking with my sister. Of course, I knew all of these things already, but it's still really interesting to hear it again. To see how she feels about it, stuff like that. I would definitely gladly do something like this again. I don't really use computer editing/ moviemaking programs often, so naturally I was a little nervous about having to put together an entire fifteen-minute audio clip. But, after reading a few manuals and playing around on them a bit, I got the swing of it. This project has actually made me a little interested int he process. I'd say my greatest difficulty with this interview was coming up with questions that were serious, but not so serious that they produced convulsive sobbing. It went pretty well. 


"Settle" by Two Door Cinema Club; Beacon

"Rise" by Hans Zimmer; The Dark Knight Rises (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Deluxe Edition]

Losing more than just a person by Imani Holness

(There is music, but for some reason when I posted it you are no longer to hear it. The song was by Luther Vandross dance with my father.)

Everyone knows there are 3 simple steps about life. your born, you live, and you die which will never change. They way you decide to live your life is only in your control. We all will experience death but it becomes a harder pill to swallow when there is a death in the family. I imani holness will be interviewing my mother viola jackson on the challenges & diffculties she faced with losing a loved one at a stage in her life were she didn't expect it. 

When I recieved the news about the podcast I already knew who I was interviewing and about what. This projects helpped me & my mom in a major way. It helped me learn information that I think i would have never found out, from some story's she told about her father also how much he meant to her. This also helped my mom because she say's little things about her dad here and there but this is the first time we had a whole conversation about him.It's like there was no interview, no mic, no questions just a converstaion about what her father meant to her. 

This podcast crossed boundaries becasue it made her cross contections from how she felt at a young age. Crossing boundiares is when you experience something diffcult to you that you had to face. When i did the interview I noticed her facial expressions, & the smile on her fae when she was talking about her dad. It's like all the emitions & memiores she had of her father all came back to her, like she was eleven years old again.

A Strict Household

Will Amari 



This is a podcast about a man born under a strict environment, and how he managed to stand up to his father. Despite his fathers expectations of him becoming a doctor, he realized he wanted to become something different, forcing him to stand up for himself, and follow his heart. 

Crossing Boundaries Reflection

At first I was a little worried. I didn’t think I knew anyone who had ever crossed a boundary with anyone or anything, no one close to me seemed to have an interesting life. I thought about making some story up. Literally— I could had just pretended that my sister was some skanky alcoholic, say that she crossed the boundaries of innocence, recorded it all in fifteen minutes, then call it a day. This was before I realized that someone close to me, did have an interesting life, did cross boundaries, and he lived right under the same roof as me. I’m talking about my dad. 

I’m glad I interviewed my dad because he had an interesting relationship with his father, also he told the story so well and he very so specific. I loved all the detail and actually learned a lot about him, that I didn’t know before. He also didn’t get emotional, and I’m happy about that. It would had been uncomfortable to see my dad cry. 

Audacity is not my favorite, and I had some trouble uploading it. I had to wait until I was back in school to have some one show me how they did it. It was very hard to control the volume especially if you had music and dialogue playing at the same time. Not to mention how frustrating and time consuming it was to move all the recordings around. All the tracks looked the same, it would had been better if they were color coated, but whatever, it was fine over all. It got the job done. 

I was surprised how much everyone liked my podcast, no one seemed to have any real complaints. They seemed pretty entertained by my dad, which is weird, because I don’t see how you could relate to some old white man in his fifties. Also my dad talks about being an artist a lot. (I don’t see this class as a very artistically interested stream.) I which my music could fade better but my effect amplifier was weird and difficult to use. Next time (If there is a next time) I’m defiantly using I movie. Honestly, this project was kind of stressful, I’d rather just right a ten page essay (yes I said ten) on telling my fathers story, instead of making a pod cast. 


Babies Having Babies

In this podcast is an interview with 16 year old Hezekiah White who has a 1 month old daughter. 
English BM

My definition of crossing boundaries is to go through a rough time or struggle to do something. Some factors of crossing boundaries is family, friends, relationship, race and gender. The causes and effects of crossing boundaries can either be good or bad. If your boundary is finance issues the cause would be you don’t have a job or your spending money too much. A good effect could be you get a job and get back to be financially stable. However a bad outcome could be you ignore the fact that you aren't financially and keep spending money you don’t have or not get a job and make the problem worse.

My crossing boundary was teen pregnancy. While I interviewed a did learn a little but I was previously very familiar with that topic. But some things I did learn from interviewing. I kinda knew it was hard to do and it made you grow up a lot faster. But when the interviewee talked about how his girlfriend and daughter lived with him it shocked me a little because he’s just a child and they’re living like a married couple and they didn’t even finish high school yet. Another was how when he got home from school the first thing he did was go take car of his baby. That scared me a little because It made me realize that his whole life had change and that he has to go straight home and when he gets home he cant sit down and relax and he has to do homework while holding a baby. 

While editing this some things were a little hard because I never used Audacity before and I kept scrolling the wrong way and I thought i lost my project about 12 times and because this is a benchmark I was beginning to stress but then I realized it was still there. The feedback from my peers was pretty good. I did agree with a lot of it and it helped me. 


This podcast tells a story how 23 year old African American, went through life totally standing out from the rest of the world.

English Interview
I liked that we got to interview who ever we wanted and got to talk about anything we wanted. I didn't really learn anything from my project because I knew everything that my sister was talking about, I just wanted the world to be aware of albinism. and know that there is nothing weird about it, so when they come across it and won't be strange to them and treat people differently. I thought she was a little less comfortable with her albinism then she was, well at least that's what I was prepared for her to say. I did learn how to use audacity though.


When other people go through a great loss, its not the same impact on you as the other person if you weren’t close to that person. Losing people is probably a fear most people have. When you lose someone you make the realization that nothing is forever. You only have a limited amount of time with the people you care about. I think people more than anything try to stray away from that thought. Something that was new for me was how my great grandmother died. I hadn’t known her, and was never aware of how she died. Though I was aware of how some of my great uncles had died. We are a big family but as the years go one we lose members and we gain them. This is true for every family. We all hope that we are carried into old age with the people we love and cherish. Though it isn’t always that way, and it seems like it should be. I fear losing my mother though I try not to dwell on it. She’s an important aspect of my life, and I know that no matter what she’s there if I need her. 

Crossing Boundries

How to Deal With Anger


Welcome to my podcast everyone. If you don't know who I am, my name is Emmanuel Kouadio. Im a current sophomore student at Science Leadership Academy and I am here today to inform you on how people cross boundaries when they get angry. For my English 2 project I decided that this topic of "anger" was good to interview someone on. Through my experience I know many people who have anger issues. I myself have a problem with controlling my true emotions and feelings. To express some of my emotions and thoughts I decided to write this intro for the person reading this today and explain how people go to far when they're angry. I hope you enjoy my podcast and can relate on how crossing boundaries by not knowing how to control you anger/ temper  would be useful for future information. 


After interviewing other individuals that can and can't relate to having anger issues I can come to a agreement that not knowing how to control your anger 
is crossing boundaries. Getting out of a normal state of mind is also how people cross boundaries when they get angry. I learned many new interesting things bu doing this project. People made me realize that their are better ways to control your anger. Their are also ways to not get angry and do stuff you regret. Their are no benefits for getting mad because it causes your blood pressure to get high and it will not result in any positive behavior. When people cross the boundaries of getting angry they should think. Their are two main questions people think about in their head before or when they're angry. Question one: What should I do? Question two: How can I deal with this problem without it getting out of control? If you don't think before you do, then something bad will occur. I hope that you can use this knowledge for future references because I learned a lot of things and you can too.Thanks for reading, have a good day.

"You're Gay? Who cares?"

This Podcast is about my sister, "coming out of the closet" and how it affected her life. 

Podcast Azaria Burton

I was really happy to do this project because I knew I would learn so much about my sister and understand why she feels the way she does about her childhood. Izena always told me that her childhood was hard but I never knew the reasons why until know. I learned about how being gay has affected her life. When she told my family that she was gay, there was a huge uproar and people in my family made her feel bad about her sexuality. This was very surprising to me because everybody in my family seems to have no problem with Izena being gay. They even invite her girlfriends over to family parties and seem very welcoming. So, for these reasons it's surprising to find out that they did mistreat her for being gay when they first found out. I also didn't know that when she was young she though being gay was a sickness. It makes me proud of her to see how many obstacles she's gone through yet,  she still loves our family and is also very honest and open about her sexuality. To me interviewing Samirah was the perfect touch because it was interesting to hear how Izena's sexuality affected Samirah and how the families reactions affected her lifestyle and how comfortable she was with them.  I enjoyed this project because I learned so much about my sisters and my families. I have newfound respect for my sister, Izena and I will continue to support her and remind her that there is nothing wrong with her sexuality. 

"To the Window!" "To the Wall!"

​In this project I have learned that people are not what they appear. People can go through things that you never know about and be able to comprehend how they feel. I just want to know have you ever listened to one of your favorite and the artist talks about woman in negative influence like calling her a bitch or hoe. Has that ever been something that makes you want to change your song or listen something different. Well to me that's crossing boundaries. Im here with Katie Walker & Pierce Luck who have a stories for us.

Reflection:This is a form of crossing boundaries because people should know that life is always changing you have ups and downs. And you have people who speak there mind. In the project I have learned about new things such as, how people act when they hear things that have profanities in them.This is major conflict in the world and I'm still not sure if there should be change because, at the end of the day they are just words.Its just how we interpret them.
final interview #2