Commucating out the bill

  The progress for my bill (for those who forgot it is S.3921 for helping stop animal testing as well as testing on humans) has been nothing so far which has been very complicated in helping me. I have been thinking of ways to help communicate out this bill to help it get progress. After thinking for a while I was able to think of ways that work with today's world to help get this bill progress.

 Way number 1 is to start a twitter account made to get this bill support. Because twitter is a constant live feed it is easy to get information out there. It will also help get in contact with organizations and people who could help get the word out. This in turn can help build up a good following to help.

 Another way to help connect with people would be to link the twitter to a facebook page. On  there I could have information about the bill, why it is important and how to help. There would be a link out to a petition to people could sign if they are from Pennsylvania and also for the districts. For other areas I would have a area where they can create their own petition to send to their officials. 

 Lastly is trying to get through with more officials and people who could help. For this I simple need to arrange a better list. Also is figuring out the best ways to get through with each person or combination of ways to get through with people.This might be easier one the twitter and facebook are done because there will be more help with getting through. Hopefully this will all go through without a hitch to help.

#4 - Communication

I'd like to begin communicating my message by writing a letter to Larry Farnese and inviting him to discuss education policy in Philadelphia. I think he'll be able to answer some of my questions about the state of the public education system. In particular, I'll ask him about the success of the Imagine 2014 plan. Larry Farnese is involved with education funding, and helps decide which programs get the most money, but he's not directly involved with designing the curriculum. Hopefully, conversation with him will lead me to other people in power who have more to do with my particular cause.  I'd eventually like to pinpoint a specific piece of legislation that I can petition to have changed. If I'm successful, I may also write a letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer. I'll probably draw on anecdotal experience based on my time at SLA to encourage people to get involved with education reform.

Lobbying Assignment #4 - Communicate with your representative

Detail your plan for communicating and report in on the steps you conducted, reflect on the process, effectiveness, etc.

I planned to communicate with my state rep and then I had to honor of meeting him through my church. State Rep Ronald Waters was highly interested in my plan and asked me to draft a doc to explain the details I wanted to focus on for my lobbying assignment. 

Attached are screen shoots of a e-mail I've sent Mr. Waters and I am a waiting a response from him momentarily. Mr. Waters expressed interest in helping a young man of my stature and hopefully including multiple other state reps and senators in my lobbing assignment to contest to my change.  

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Blog Post #3

We do not have any specific elected officials that support this cause. But their is a ton of public support from people who report it and the SPCA. For every animal in danger, there is a news story on it. The people who are pretty much opposed to this are thous who could care less about a animals life. The was an act made for animals it was the AWA (Animal welfare act). We need an official who will listen but also for the SPCA to try hard in the animals defense. The biggest allies we have in this are the SPCA who have been helping animals for a while now. We can coordinate with the SPCA to help us talk to officials so we get animals better treatment. Everyone has the potential to be influenced since this is such a big topic the easiest to influence would be people who are willing to listen or people who are already trying to protect animals from such cruelty.
We need to protect animals like this dog from being abused, this is what influence us to notify the public and volunteer to help care and fight from there freedom and their love. These animals want to be love and we want them to love us.
It difficult to volunteer under the age of 18 but we are determine to find a location. There are many locations that people can choose to help like Morris Animal Refugee, SPCA, PAWS, Pet-smart, and some many others. Their are a number of points in which we could try to rally people with us. For example we could try “writing letters to the editor”. See what we mean is a person could write to a news firm and ask them to help spread the word.They might just put a post in the paper if a person bugs them to death with it they may even us this blog it self.
But a person cloud also write straight to the top at the government and they could be nice enough to give what they are writing a chance and actually state it at a meeting. “Phones and Faxes to the top” are basically just like.And are even more alike the letters because their all doing the same thing. They are asking to get to someone who has the power to help them get their point across. Same with an e-mail they have the same point making plan just go straight to the top and evade all the boring parts like the waiting. “Personal visits with the targeted decision maker.” that help because person good straight to the head, state his case, make it convincing, and see what the head person thinks.
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Alexandra McGrorty - Lobbying Blog #4 - Contacting a Representative

I figured that for this portion of my lobbying process, a direct contact would be most useful.

I went online and looked up the contact information for my representative, Chaka Fattah. 

I called his office and left a message with my contact information, hoping that I would get a reply.

I also looked up his email and sent an email introducing the issue I'm lobbying for.

"Hello,My name is Alexandra McGrorty, I am a Philadelphia high school student attending Science Leadership Academy and a constituent of Pennsylvania’s Second Congressional District. I am contacting you because in my American Government class, I am lobbying an issue that I feel is important. I am trying to garner more support and political backing for my topic, and since you are my Congressional Representative, it seemed logical to contact you.

In the media recently, there has been a lot of attention about the Corn Grower's Association petitioning to have the name "Corn Syrup" changed to "Corn Sugar". While this is seen, by many, as not being much of an issue at all, I find it incredibly wrong. I am lobbying for transparency in food labels. I believe that, as consumers, every citizen should be informed of exactly what they are ingesting, and all products should be clearly labeled. Nothing should be changed, especially not for aesthetic's sake, like in the case of corn syrup. Making products sound healthier without attempting to actually make them healthier just sounds like a lie to me. And I believe that we should be concerned with the health of this city, especially.

According to Temple University's Head Chair of Podiatric Medicine and Orthopedics Kathya Zinszer, “Philadelphia’s rate of diabetes is five times higher than the national average,yet diabetes is one of the least understood chronic diseases." This, along with the obesity rate, are reaching epidemic proportions. If consumers are more well informed as to what exactly they are ingesting, it could act as a preventative measure to stop this serious issue. It could also help reversal efforts. However, if consumers are blindsided and uninformed, it will only make issues even worse. This is why I would like to have your support with this issue.

Thank you for your consideration,

Alexandra McGrorty

Science Leadership Academy "

I'm still waiting for replies from both of these contacts, and I hope that I can get some much needed attention as far as labeling transparency and the FDA regulations, because they directly effect my life and the people in this city. 

Violence in Schools- Blog Post #4

In previous blog post, I mentioned the cuts in school safety because of the economy, which turned out to be completely detrimental for safe schools. When researching the safe schools union it took me about an hour and half to this site: Which is the “The Office of School Safety” page. On this site they talk about the process we take in order to keep our schools safe. There was not much.

So for my next step I want to contact some of the leaders of the this part of the school district, and the try to share some of my ideas, and raise the awareness again.

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Another main component of this campaign is to make it grow outside of SLA. So I have been looking for students from other schools to help spread awareness in their schools. It is still in the process of growing but I do have students who are willing to help.

#4 Communicate

The process is going slow and very difficult since Bob Casey and co. are very difficult to get in touch with. The educational board meetings do have some effectiveness to the process of hearing the problems from adults and students but I think it could go an extra step. I think the most effective way to try and change this NCLB act and lobby against it is to find a way to set up an appointment at a meeting with educational officials. Start off slow and show alternatives,surveys, statistics, etc to show that something has to be done and then while the lower ranked officials start to see in groups this effective campaign and presentation, the grass roots of word of mouth might take place where it becomes very public. Another good idea, off of this is to call news companies up to cover the story and hear more about the process and things being said in these town hall meetings for this act to be reformed. Hopefully overtime we can set up a meeting with the head official like Bob Casey jr.

First Step- Make a facebook page about standardized testing.

Second Step- Little video explaining why its bad, funny make it go viral. (hopefully)

Third Step- Start challenging officials to debate on NCLB.

Callie Monroe Marking Period Two Recipe One

My project for this period is culinary arts. I love to cook but have never really dabbled in the world of baking. Please bare with me through this experience because I am still learning all the skills required to be a successful baker. I will choose at least one recipe a week and post it on this blog. I hope you enjoy my baking and are inspired to bake yourself. 

The first recipe I chose to make was lemon squares. They have been one of my favorite desserts for a long time but I had never made them before. They were relatively easy to make and were very good! If I were to make them again I would use a wider pan in order to make the crust thinner. I hope you enjoy my blog post and the recipe. 

Recipe provided by Smitten Kitchen Blog:


For Crust- 

1/2 pound unsalted butter (room temperature)

1/2 granulated sugar

2 cups flour

1/8 teaspoon salt

For Lemon Layer-

6 large eggs (room temperature)

1 2/3 cups granulated sugar

2 tablespoons grated lemon zest

1 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice

1 cup flour

First Step: Preheat the oven to 350 F and grease your cooking pan.


Step 2: Cream the butter and sugar in an electric mixer until mixed lightly.


Step 3: Mix the flour and salt in a separate bowl and then slowly add to the butter and sugar mixture. Mix until combined.


Step 4: Dump the dough into the greased baking dish. Flatten and press it onto the bottom of the baking dish. Let chill in refrigerator. 


Step 5: Take the crust out of the fridge once it is chilled and cook it for 15 to 20 minutes or until lightly browned. Once cooked let it cool down.

Step 6: Whisk together the eggs, sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice, and flour.



Step 7: Pour lemon mixture over crust and bake for 30 to 35 minutes. 

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Step 8: Let cool and enjoy!



Danielle Duncan- Mar Adentro

"Mar Adentro", una película se trata la vida con el nombre Ramón Sampedro.  Ramón es un hombre tetrapléjico como quiere morir.  La problema es el no puede mata mismo porque sus condición.  En la película el tiene una abogada esta intentando regalar lo el derecho de muerte.  Ella esta no afortunado pero muchas personas visitó Ramón y una mujer con el nombre Rosá, ayudó Ramón morir porque ella quiere Ramón.  Mar Adentro es muy controversial porque la película esta preguntando después nosotros nacemos es vida una derecho, obligación o privilegio y el impacto eutanasia es con sus familia.  Para mi, yo estoy de acuerdo Ramón y Rosa deseo regalar Ramón muerte.  Vida es un derecho y no persona necesitan vivir cuando ellos no quieren.  Constantemente escucho personas hablan sobre el mundo no tiene recursos para la población y nosotros estamos intentando parar una persona como no quieren vida, ridículo. La película es muy conmovedora y cuando yo miro eso yo quiero llorar porque a Ramón todos días el esta viviendo con no dignidad.  En mi opinión todos personas como no apoyo eutanasia necesitan mirar.



La película "Mar Adentro" se trata de la vida de Ramón Sanpedro y su vida como untetrapléjico infeliz. Hace la pregunta: ¿Debe religión influye en los temas legales? No estoy de acuerdo con la decisión de Ramón pero yo respecto el decisión. No querría negar Ramón el derecho estar feliz, estoy en contra de mantiene vivo en un hombre que está sufriendo. Me gustó la película un poco pero era muy triste y no querría mirar a "Mar Adentro" otra vez. 

SLA Students Win the UPenn Youth for Debate Tournament


SLA Seniors Chris Cassise and Andre Serrano took first place in the citywide tournament out of 29 competing teams.

Seniors Dominque Miller and Rumman Haq and Juniors Dennis Mawson. Kabbour Rizq, Elisa Hyder and Michael Dea also advanced to the quarter-final round.

Hyder also won the tourney award for Best Overall Speaker.

Congratulations to Ms. Laufenberg and all the team members. Special thanks to Luke Van Meter for his help chaperoning.

Researching The Issue: Same Sex Marriage in Pennsylvania

     I'm not quite sure if 2010 or even 2011 will be a good year for my issue. On one hand, there seems to be issues that are the top priorities of the state and country. And regulating same sex marriage does not fall into either of those categories.  On the other hand, majority of the elected House Representatives and Senators are either influential on this issue or take position for it. That would be an advantage on the process of getting a law passed.  

     I looked into each member on the list of state legislators for pennsylvania, and each of them voted Nay on the Same Sex Marriage Resolution Act in 2006. This Act followed the Defense of Marriage Act; and both gave states the right not to recognize a same sex marriage that was granted in another state. They all also voted Nay on the Marriage Definition Constitutional Amendment. This shows the history of their votes on anti- gay marriage legislature, but it doesn't show their position on the issue. Many of the politicians did not give their position on the issue of same sex marriage. I don't know how to analyze that fact.

     Senator Arlen Spector is my main 'opponent' in this process. He voted the Defense of Marriage Act through a decade ago, and according to Project Vote Smart, shares very little interest with the Human Rights Campaign- who actively promotes gay rights. As a State Senator, he has an important vote in the legislative process, but if his one opposing vote stood alone, it wouldn't have much effect.

     Governor Ed Rendell didn't openly express his position on the issue of gay marriage, but I'd assume that he is a supporter, and as Governor, his  final approval makes the process run smoother.
No recent policy has been written for Pennsylvania on the topic of same sex marriage, but acts, laws, and policies have been written and/ or passed in other states.  

     There are many public supporters behind this issue, but I would say that the most active, and the most publicized would be the Human Rights Campaign which is nation- wide.

     I began to look through the list of lobbying issues and topics, but did not find anything related to same sex marriage recognition in pennsylvania. To be honest I didn't look through the entire list, so I'm sure there are many, I just cannot name any specific lobbyist or group of lobbyists.

     Hopefully I'll influence all allies of the Lesbian, Bi- sexual, Gay, and Transgender community to become actively involved in the politics of their residential state at least because the legislature of their state affects them immediately before any other legislation.

Link to House Committee Meeting Schedules:

Link to Senate Committee Meeting Schedules:

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